chapter 6- reconnaissance

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James Ryker

Ryker sighed, bored about his two hour wait staring into his reflection on a surface. His black hair with a couple of white streaks looked invisible on the dark surface. His dark blue eyes as well. But he thought of the supposed high paying job he is about to hear about.

Not too long ago an informant with a black and red hoodie handed him a letter with some coordinates and a note, along with a box of ten grand of US currency. So James figured if this guy was willing to pay ten grand just to get him interested. He must have more.

He didn't know who this dude was but very powerful and very bad ass. He could tell when we walked through his army of monsters and half bloods outside.

Some Australian accented voices took him away from his thoughts and two men who had a couple of bruises and one a bloody nose came through looking irritated. "Look like you boys got it hard." Said Ryker laughing.

Ryker knew these people were dangerous. He wasn't stupid, he kept one hand on his sheathed celestial bronze and imperial gold mix double edge sword.

They looked over. Surprised but yet will irritated, "ah Ave heard of ya. That assassin who takes contracts for anyone who pays. The figh-er wih no country. James Ryker."

Ryker grimaced. "Must not be that good of an assassin if you've heard of me. Can fight pretty well though, although I guess not you judging by the looks. " he said finishing with a smile.

One of them stepped closer, dead locked eyes on him. "Remin' me, mate, who's ya godly parent?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

He grinned back at Ryker. "Just know your place." James growled a little in his throat but didn't reply to that. "So, where did you get the bloody nose? Take a middle schoolers candy?"

He waved his hand back,"bug off. And we had to torture some fuckin lady an find out about er kid. When lo and fuckin behold the kid and some goddess bitch come through the door. Worse fuckin timing, I'll tell ya. "

Ryker clicked his tongue. "That's rough. If it was a goddess how did you get away?"

The man smiled back and shifted his sheathed sword. "I have my ways."

There was a couple of seconds of silence and James took a guess. "You ran like a pussy, didn't you." He said cracking a smile.

He sneered back and pushed him. "DON'T TRY ME, RYKER." He shouted unsheathing his sword only a bit. Ryker grinned doing the same, "I've been doing this for a long time. I could take you."

He would have replied but there was a loud snap and a voice that followed. "Enough fighting. Mr. Ryker, I will see you now."

James gaze didn't waver. "I guess another day, chap."

"Fuck off Ryker." He said as James walked away and through the big black doors into what he assumed was a throne room. He never been in one before but he's seen movies.

Upon the pitch black, and when he means black it looked like there was a tear in reality in a shape of a throne, and the room was lit but the lights glare didn't bounce off it. Sat a hooded man with a face that had a shadow cast over his face, covering everything except his mouth.

"Mr. Ryker, so glad you came, even though my letter did say optional."

James walked through the many red, white, and yellow colored pillars that supported the roof. "Figured you had more money. Although US currency isn't tho only currency that interests me. "

The man laughed back, "of course! Will be paid in drachmas too, in fact-" he snapped his fingers and materialized next to his throne was a stack of green cash, US currency. And next to that, drachmas. "Five hundred thousand mortal money, and a hundred thousand drachmas."

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