chapter 1-i am forced into patrol duty.

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PERCY (third person for all)

Annabeth threw her Prince of the sea boyfriend a towel to wipe himself off with after their hand to hand sparring match as they talked about recent events. "Im still a little shocked Nico is-"
"Oh my gods everyone saw it Seaweed Brain "

"I didnt !" Percy protested. Annabeth giggled and lightly jabbed him in the ribs where she recently got a old kick boxing round house in, but she forgot about that and Percy winced. "That's because you're a seaweed Brain, Seaweed Brain. Also sorry not sorry because you got me thigh real good."

Percy threw up his hands, "that hurt for like 30 seconds though, there isn't even a mark for that hit, also then why didn't anyone tell me?" Annabeth picked up her gear and water bottle and looked at him, "we all assumed you knew." Percy followed her put of the arena, "why would you assume that if I was a seaweed Brian?"

Annabeth opened her mouth to retort but Percy had a point, she didn't say anything to that and percy stepped up next to her smiling and also in disbelief "Did I just make a daughter of Athena , the architect for Olympus, speechless?" She glared at him and jabbed him in the same place "Don't let it go to your he- too late." She muttered as Percy ran around her in circles with arms triumphantly in the air.

For annabeth though that reminded her of something. "Hey Percy...PERCY!" she grabbed him by the collar and calmed him down. "A friend is having a birthday party up on Olympus and Aphrodite wants me to make design some more statues, and I forgot I signed up for guard duty. Can you cover me?"

Percy got a look and Annabeth knew he wouldn't answer the question she asked "again? How many statues has she asked you to do already?"

"Percy." Annabeth tapped her foot impatiently. Percy grinned and leaned in to kiss his blonde beauty, "anything for you, I'll do it." Annabeth thanked him and they walked on. "And to answer your question I honestly have no idea, but she a generous payer so, oh and I'll find any candy laying around her place home to you and yes I'll make sure they aren't birth control pills this time." She giggled.

A while ago Percy crunched down on what he thought was candy and spit it out with a bad taste of medicine that annabeth brought from queen Barbie's dream house.

"Hey can I shower in your cabin again ?" Annabeth asked, but before he could answer Jason bust out from the Aphrodite cabin right in front of Jim with his shirt wrinkled and his face covered in lipstick, they could hear a giggling Piper from inside.

Percy grinned, "Hey champ, make it home yet?" Jason looked confused "no I haven't been to the dues cabin in a few- oh gross Percy, and none of your business." Both percy and annabeth laughed at Jason's slowness.

"Should clean up, by the way you got crap all over your face. Least when I'm done with Percy he looks the same." Annabeth gestured to Jason's face. And Percy smiled but hisnface reddened at the last comment.

Jason crossed his arms and gave a smug smile "oh you think that Ms. Imsoperfect but we can tell." Annabeth gave him a sneer for the nickname. "Not possible, I'm the architect for Olympus detail is my job."

Jason laughed and nodded in agreement. "I know, I was just kidding percy always tells us." Percy sneered and annabeth slapped him on the back of the head. "Percy!"
"Dude...not cool. " Percy said aggravated

They would've kept talking about this but someone from a distance yelled goodbye and the three of them turned and waved Nico off a got into the car with Will, a vacation to Colorado for skiing. Percy wouldn't say it but he couldn't see the prince of the dead up in a snowy mountain on skis. Then again Percy saw pigs fly so crazier things have happened.

percy jackson, guardian of the hunt Book 1Where stories live. Discover now