Chapter 12- saving Thalia/one lost another gained

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Percy lay there struggling to move, his face in pain due to Ryker and his treatment, the paralysis slowly wore off, allowing Percy to sit up but his whole body felt like a rusted machine, after another minute he felt back to pristine condition, took a shaky breath and walked toward the base.

It reminded him of his time sneaking through the Titan Lords base and seeing the coffin, except this was a lot scarier and He was hiding in plane sight, plus he didn't have a mortal with a blue hair brush to back him up.

none the less he tried to strut with confidence so he didn't look nervous walking through the militarized  set up, He didn't know quite where he was going so he eavesdropped on some of the other soldiers trying to get a read on where Thalia could be.

He didn't hear much, mainly just current events and--

Percy stopped in his tracks when he began to hear someone talking about a female prisoner. 

He turned around to see someone who looked a bit higher in command talking to a lower ranked recruit.

"The bitch is quite feisty, dunno why the boss is keeping her around."

"Maybe for leverage, you have to admit, Sir, he is quite the tactician and always is ready for everything." replied the lower ranked.

Percy started to slowly follow keeping a safe distance, enough to hear them but not enough to draw attention.

"What's the big obsession with the girl anyway?" asked the recruit.

"I hear she knows some big shot Poseidon kid, who for some reason means something to high command."

Percy internally groaned, the fates must've hated him. He was slightly hoping he would be the middle man of sorts in this war where he wasn't that relevant, Hades was that too much to ask? But Chirons voice chided Percy that a Heroes life sucks donkey butt, maybe not in those words but essentially that's what he meant.

"I always hate walking to her cell though, having to pass all those nasty beasts and monsters isn't my idea of fun..." the commander muttered.

"Least he keeps them next to his palace sir, and not next to the barracks."

"True we should count our blessings."

Percy was counting his as he turned on his heel and marched up towards the scary looking palace waiting to hear or see signs of monsters, and sure enough after a few minutes he heard howls and roars of beasts and one in particular, Minotaur.

He shook off the nerves and walked through a solid oak door and saw someone sitting behind a desk, Percy started freaking out as he looked up and stared at him right in the face, "What you here for, gov?" Percy assumed the thick British accented Chad (as it said on the name plate on his desk) was the prison guard.

He hesitated for just a moment being as stunned as he was, he cleared his throat getting ready to talk in a voice that wasn't his.

"Sorry, forgot why I was here for a second...real tired." Percy mused, Chad sat back in his chair smiling, "You part of the delivery boys for high command?"

"We don't like to be called that." Percy said hoping that wasn't actually their official name.

"Hahaha, that's what all of us around here call you. Have to give some respect though, you men work around the clock. Anyways, what can I do for you?" He asked leaning forward swiping off his hood revealing a rough face and dark beady eyes.

"High command would like to see the girl." Percy said getting a little excited. Chad opened a drawer in his desk and threw Percy the keys and gestured to the door behind him. "Third cell on the right, careful she a hunter of Artemis."

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