chapter 5-what is Perseus

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Percy sat on a bench over lookin canoe lake. The same bench where years ago his girlfriend slid next to him with a chocolate and blue icing mishap cup cake, and wished him a happy birthday. He kissed her too but cup cake was really good. It was blue. Percy liked blue.

He sighed, thinking that maybe he would go over and slap Grover for jinxing his life but instead he enjoyed the few moments of peace he had. Soon he would have to go on full battle alert, with the queen of castration. Woman of fury. Male hating super woman.

Percy thought up all these names but never in a million years for a million drachmas say them out loud or he would be probably cast into tartarus personally by male hating super woman.

He laughed at his own joke.


Said a voice right next to him causing him to jump in surprise and land on his butt. He looked up to see Artemis with a bored look on her face, like she knew everything out of Percy would be irrelevant. "Percy, what are you doing on the ground?" Annabeth giggled walked over, bowing to the seated mistress.

"None of that, Ms. Chase. The hunt is a very informal group. You are also a maiden, meaning Percy hasn't done that disgusting deed to you yet. So you have no need to bow to me. " Percy and Annabeths face reddened in embarrassment but Artemis remained stoic.

"Well I mean we talked about it but-"

"Percy!" Annabeth snapped stopping him from digging his own grave, also Annabeths. Well not physically. She would have died from embarrassment. "I'm glad you are both here though. I can discuss what will happen in the hunt with you two. "

They both nodded and took a seat beside the goddess; "Perseus, you will do what I say, when I say, how I say it. You will not talk to Me or the hunters unless you are spoken to, even then it might be best if you kept your mouth shut anyway. Annabeth, while you may not be taking the oath of a huntress. You sure will train with us, as will Percy but he will get a much harsher degree of training. You will learn how to track, hunt, sense, and shoot a bow like a hunter."

"Lady Artemis. Percy marksmanship is well...a blind man with one arm could hit a better shot than he." Annabeth interjected.

"Hey!" Percy protested. "I'm not that bad!" Annabeth glared at him before he frowned, "okay I'm that bad." Artemis waved her hand of this and continued. "Doesn't matter. He will learn. Lastly Perseus -"



"My name is Percy. Anyone who has ever called me Perseus are usually gunning for my head." He finished. Artemis gave him a sinister smile, "then I have something in common with those types of people." Percy paled. "Now as I was saying. I'll be blunt about it, you think you signed on to be a guardian. Well yes you will guard my hunt. But mostly we will enslave you, you will be there to make our lives simpler. Cook, clean, sharpen. What is that mortal saying from the movie with Bruce Willis and Mathew Parry? Ah yes. The whole 9 yards, Perseus." She finished with a wicked grin on her face.

Percy sighed figuring he would suck it up but Annabeth of course protested. "My lady, that's not fair. Please be reasonable."

Artemis turned back toward the lake to which Apollo was driving his chariot over. "If you felt his groin region, Athena spawn, you'll feel everything is normal. I suppose everything straying normal is a good price for him residing within my hunt."

They both sat there speechless. Percy blushed and guarded his crotch region and decided he would make underpants made out of titanium just in case.

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