Authors note!

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OOOOOKAY! that last part was kinda hard to write...not difficult, but I was listening to the "correct mood music" while typing it, and i could kinda feel the emotions i was typing....weird. Anyways.

That was the end of that book, Book 2 will be coming...probably sooner rather than later...I dont like not updating. there was a time I updated weekly even though I said I wouldn't XD

yeah so! the reason im making a "Book 2" is just...well youll find out when you read it it just works better. hope yoy guys and girls enjoyed!

Thanks for reading.

Also lastly i jumped on Wattpadd recently and my reads jumped up a bit, i was super happy! Thank you guys! Hopefully you enjoyed! Peace!

percy jackson, guardian of the hunt Book 1Where stories live. Discover now