Danielle and demire

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     It was finally time for lunch. Most of the people in my lunch class I've seen throughout the day. I got my tray and tried to find a table to sit at. I glanced to the right and saw a table were Danielle was sitting with a couple of her friends. When I got to the table she started to introduce her friends to me "This is krestina, qamiya, jina, javon, markia , sleezy t and jr. I told all of them hey and told them to tell me about themselves. First one to answer was markia, she said "I'm 15 and I'm gay." I was really was shocked when I heard her say she was gay because she had really big titties and most girls with a lot of titties have boys crawling all over them but in this case.....it was girls.
     They all got done telling me about themselves and then me and Danielle went to go put our trays up. When we were walking we past this dark skinned boy and Danielle smiled. I asked her who he was "demire" she said with a big smile on her face. She told me how much she's likes him and that they talk but they don't go out. Then she started telling me about her ex jabrent. Danielle explain that he was a bitch and how he always harasses her and even tried to expose her. I was thinking in my mind what's he going to expose but I kept it to myself.
     As we were walking back a girl named Kaliyah stopped us and start asking did we have any "tea". Danielle started laughing and told her she doesn't need any tea and the girl started laughing and talking about her education and scholarships, which I felt had nothing to do with the conversation or about "tea" so I walked on by myself and sat back at the table until the next bell rings.

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