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I woke up in a small room were the walls were covered by this cushion material. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. They were trapped in a straight jacket. Starting to get nervous I stood up on my feet and moved towards the small camera in the corner. Screaming to get someone's attention I yelled to the top of my lungs. A part of the cushion wall opened and a woman dressed in a white nurse gown came and pulled me out the room. As we walked down the hallway I tried to as why was I here but I couldn't get it out despite of how scared and confused I was. She threw me in a gray room were there was a woman sitting in the chair with a black dressy suit on.
She said as she sipped on what ever she had in her yeti cup. I slowly walked over to the chair and sat down.
"Do you know where you are?"
"No, but I kind of have a clue."
"Do you know why your here?"
"Look I just want to....."
"I didn't ask wtf you want, I asked you a question!" She yelled as she threw her hands on the table. Still shocked out of confusion I replied and tried not to look her in her eyes. She stared at me for a slight second then said " your here because we believe you killed your mom, Danielle, and tried to commit suicide after you found out what you had done."
"What!" I said straining my voice. Hurt to the fact that someone would have the nerve to think I would kill my best-friend and the woman I cared about the most. I quickly jumped out my seat and backed away from the table. My body was full of anger and other mixed emotions. She told me that I would have to stay until they find more on the crimes, but until then I was going to be seeing hell of cushions.
Week after week I sat in the middle of the room and stared at the wall. The end of the month, the woman came in and said that there were moving me to the county until further notice. They moved me to the cell and slammed the gate shut. I sat on the small rusty bench and started to think about how long I was going to be here.
I was sound of sleep and even had relieve some of my stress, but I was awoken by the sound of my cell gate. The guard was standing there with his handcuffs and keys. "Time for you to go." He said. It was surprising to me that I didn't think I would be in the county for that long. I started to walk out the cell and was stopped by his arm. He was brown skinned and had a sleeve of tattoos.
"Why don't you give me something before you go." He said as he grabbed my arm. I quickly tried to snatch away but he shoved me onto the bench. Screaming, I tried to bite his arm to make him let me go but he had slammed my head into the bench. Gasping with tears rolling down my eyes I tried to think about something else while he was pushing my back in and roping out pieces of my hair. He stopped and allowed me to get up. Running out of the cell and into the streets I cried and sat down beside the road.
I walked to the flash foods and waited on t sleezy because she had called the jail and told me she'll come get me. I sat and waited for her black and red charger to pull up. Staring down the streets I saw the car coming. When I got closer I got in and took off my hoodie. Uncovering my face I heard the door lock...looking over to talk to her I notice that not only did someone else have her car.......but it was Julian.

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