Chapter 2: Laughter and Tears

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Akashi cursed himself for crying. He was far too emotional these days. On his way back to Kuroko's room, he slipped in the bathroom and made sure all evidence of tears was gone. He didn't need Kuroko knowing he had cried. It would just upset the boy and the last thing Kuroko needed was something more to stress about.

Plastering the best smile he could manage onto his face, he made his way to the bluenettes and entered. Exhausted eyes looked at the red head with a pained expression. That look made Akashi feel like crumbling, but he didn't. He smiled softly and kicked off his shoes to climb in the bed. Being close seemed to be one of the few comforts he could offer his lover but at least he could offer something.

"I'm back." The red head announced as if it wasn't plain to see. He gently tugged Kuroko's head till it rested on his chest. The two stayed silent and still for several moments.

"If you're..." Kuroko had to pause to let a coughing fit pass. Akashi watched the coughs rack the small body causing more pain to etch itself into Kuroko's features. When the coughing stopped, he continued. "If you're bored you don't have to lay with me. It's okay."

There was a moment of silence before Kuroko's chin was lifted by Akashi's hand. The red head kissed Kuroko lightly and smiled. "I'm not bored. Rest. You still have a while before dinner."

Kuroko didn't nod or reply. He adjusted his head to rest against Akashi who noticed the smaller boy didn't even react to the mention of dinner. It should be something to celebrate, but Akashi knew it was only because Kuroko didn't have the strength. He was looking more worn out than usual. It worried Akashi. Sometimes he swore he could feel the life slipping from the cold body next to him. He hugged his boyfriend closer and closed his eyes until the food arrived.

Kuroko's dinner was the same small bowl of broth and small bowl of rice he had every night. It was all the bluenette could currently keep down.

"Try to finish half of it this time." Akashi pulled the table closer and picked up the spoon. Kuroko nodded weakly against his chest and he brought the first spoonful to the bluenettes lips. Eating was getting a bit easier for Kuroko, but one of the symptoms of his medications and failing organs was unfortunately nausea which made the task harder. Even without that, he still didn't like eating, but it was easier to manage a few bites before breaking down. He was thankful that Akashi never rushed him.

"Just a bit more. Your almost there." The red head encouraged. As Kuroko was getting close to the half way mark, Akashi's phone vibrated.

"You should get that." The bluenette warned. Akashi looked from his lover to the phone and back to his lover.

"Ok. But you aren't done eating yet." Was his stern reply. He picked up the red phone from the table and swiped the screen. It was a message from Kise. Kuroko watched as he opened it, although he couldn't concentrate on the words enough to read them.

[To: Seijūrō

From: Ryota

Message: Aominecchi and I are dropping by in a few minutes if that's okay.]

Before Akashi could reply, another message came through, this time from Aomine.

[To: Seijūrō

From: Daiki

Message: Did Tetsu's test results come back?]

Akashi decided to reply to Aomine first.

[To: Daiki

From: Akashi

Message: Yes. His lungs are worsening and he hasn't gained a pound yet but everything else was more or less the same.]

He sent the message and decided not to bother replying to Kise. Instead he turned his attention back to his lover and picked up the spoon.

"Anything important?" Kuroko asked before accepting the food.

"Daiki and Ryota are coming over. They should be here in a few minutes I think. Is that okay?"


"Good, just a few more bites. Any nausea?"


The pair smiled, Akashi more than Kuroko, and Kuroko finished his meal.

"Will you go get dinner while they are here?" Kuroko asked after a moment.

"I can stay if you want me to."

"No. It's okay. I won't be alone so it's okay."

Akashi nodded. Kuroko had told him a few days that he didn't like being alone. He was okay when someone was with him, but when he was alone, he wanted to do things he knew he shouldn't and his thoughts were hard to handle. Since then, Akashi was very careful to never leave him alone for very long if at all.

"KUROKOCCHI!!!!!!!" Kise bounded through the doorway over to the bed giving Kuroko a big hug.

"Oww" Kuroko coughed. Kise pulled back instantly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Oi! This is a hospital baka! Quiet down!" Aomine slapped Kise. Akashi was giving Kise a murderous glare. A giggle from Kuroko eased the tension though and Akashi stood up.

"I'm going to the cafeteria. Daiki, keep Ryota in line." He glared at Daiki before turning to Kuroko. "I'll be back soon. Text me if these two idiots bother you okay?" He planted a quick kiss on Kuroko's pale lips and waited for a response.

"Take your time. They're harmless." He replied.

"Love you. I'll be back soon." Akashi left. Kise climbed onto the foot of the bed (it seemed to be his favorite place to sit) and Aomine pulled up a chair, noticing the food on the table.

"Did we interrupt your dinner?" The tanner of the three asked.

"No. I just finished."

Aomine gave him a look of 'there's still half of it left. How is that finished?' but he didn't comment. Instead he asked if Kuroko was tired and Kuroko said he was.

"You can sleep if you want to Kurokocchi. We don't mind."

"I promise I won't let him draw on your face with permanent marker." Aomine added.

"So I can draw on his face with washable markers?" Kise grinned excietedly.

"NO!" Kuroko and Aomine both replied, Kuroko lightly kicking Kise with his foot and Aomine slapping Kise on the head. The blond fake pouted.

"You guys are so mean!" He whined.

"Says the guy who wants to draw on my face while I sleep!"

"I won't draw anything awful, promise."

Aomine growled and smacked Kise again. "That's not the point, baka."

"I would make his face pretty!"

"Are you saying my face isn't pretty already?" Kuroko teased with his monotone voice.

"That's not what I mean Kurokocchi!"

"So you think he is pretty? Better watch out. If Akashi finds..." Aomine stopped as Kise kicked him.

"I didn't say that!!!!!" The blond wailed. "You guys aren't playing fair! I can't win this!!!!"

The blond and navy haired teen continued to bicker. Kuroko closed his eyes and smiled, listening until he dozed off. The other two were so caught up they didn't even notice until several minutes later.

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