Chapter 4: Visits and Tricks

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"Kurokocchi!!!!!" Kise bounded into the room too loudly and nearly pounced on Kuroko. He controlled himself, stopping his momentum at the bedside before pulling Kuroko into a gentle hug, well.....gentle in Kise's book.

"Kise.....kun." Kuroko coughed and Kise pulled away, puppy dog eyes staring at the bluenette apologetically.

"Idiot! Does the word 'hospital' mean nothing to you?" Aomine smacked Kise with a magazine. The two quickly began their normal bickering. Kuroko turned his attention to the giant and the greenette entering the room.

"You're lucky item." Midorima said as he handed Kuroko a pink spoon. Ever since Kuroko had been put back in the hospital, Midorima would bring him his lucky item in the morning or his father would in his place. He acted like he was indifferent to Kuroko most of the time and he would never admit otherwise, but he really did care. "Aquarius is number 6 and your lucky color is pink." Midorima relayed Oha Asa horoscope information. Kuroko smiled and thanked him, after which Midorima stepped back to speak with Akashi who was standing a bit away to let the others have some time with Kuroko.

Murasakibara was next and patted Kuroko on the head. He didn't bring any food in the room or offer Kuroko anything after he realized it made Kuroko uncomfortable (and Akashi scolded him, but Kuroko didn't know about that part). Kuroko smiled and rested his eyes for a moment, but only a moment.

"Kurokocchi! Are you tired? Do you want us..."

Aomine smacked Kise again. "Give the guy some room to breathe and stop pestering him with questions."

Kise pouted but did as he was told and stepped back a couple inches. Aomine lightly fist bumped Kuroko with a gentle smile and then everyone, minus Midorima and Akashi who had left the room, took a seat.

At first it was quiet. It was almost awkwardly quiet, but Kuroko didn't mind and neither did the others. They just enjoyed the awkward silence, although Kise was obviously using all his will power to be quiet and not pounce on Kuroko and fuss over him. The silence ended when Aomine scolded the blond and the two started bickering.

"Did no one teach you how to behave in a hospital?" Midorima re-entered pushing up his glasses and scowling. He was speaking to Aomine and Kise who both looked away and were quiet.

Kuroko giggled a bit.

"Is Kuro-chin okay?" Murasakibara asked worriedly. Kuroko nodded and patted the giants hand.

"I'm okay. Kise and Aomine just reminded of me of puppies being scolded for wetting the carpet."

"Eh." The giant tilted his head. "Kise-chin sometimes does seem like a dog."

"I'm not a dog!"

"Where is Sei-kun?" Kuroko asked Midorima, interrupting the argument before it disturbed the whole hospital.

"He's out getting some fresh air and running errands."

"Thank you Midorima-kun."

"What's going on?" Aomine butted in, a bit confused by the exchange and the expression on Kuroko's face.

"Sei-kun rarely leaves. I asked Midorima-kun to find a way to get him out more. He shouldn't be cooped up in here all the time." Kuroko replied with a small, somewhat sad smile.

"Akashicchi probably disagrees." Kise pointed out.

"That's why I asked Midorima-kun to find a way to get him to go. If I asked him, he would just refuse."

"Kurokocchi is mischievous as always."

"I really don't see how my actions are mischievous."

"Kuro-chin tricked Aka-chin." Murasakibara accused playfully.

"I did not." Kuroko defended. "The errands were real."

"Give it up Tetsu." Aomine leaned back in his chair and opened up his magazine ignoring Kuroko's glare of death.

"Aomine is a Ahomine." Kuroko retorted making Kise and Murasakibara giggle.

"Shut up Kise!" Aomine rolled up his magazine and wacked Kise with it again.

"I didn't say anything! It was Kurokocchi!"

"Traitor." The bluenette whispered.

Aomine glared at Kise. "But you were laughing."

Kise pouted and crossed his arms mumbling "so was Murasakicchi..."

"He is too far away for me to whack."

"That's not fair."

"Must I remind you all this is a hospital?" Midorima hissed from his place in the corner where he had settled to read. Every one apologized, but they obviously weren't sincere. The greenette growled and went back to his book.

Aomine went back to his magazine, Murasakibara started playing a game on his phone, and Kise started chatting to Kuroko about his week to Kuroko. It was how most visits went, although Murasakibara could only come sometimes because he lived farther away. Sometimes they would all chat together or play games and other times they would each do their own thing while enjoying the mere company of each other. Today was the latter. After a while, Kise moved on to chat Aomines ear off while Kuroko rested. He didn't sleep, and they knew he wasn't asleep; he just rested his eyes and relaxed.

"Ryota! I can hear you from down the hall!" Akashi stepped in the room immediately glared at Kise, effectively shutting the blond up. Well, for a few minutes at least.

"You're back." Kuroko broke the tension, opening his eyes and smiling at his lover. Akashi's face softened and he sat on the side of the bluenettes bed giving him a light kiss on the lips. The others looked away as to not intrude.

"Do you need me to cut out Ryouta's tongue?"

"No. Not this time anyway."


"Why don't we go get lunch and let Tetsu rest for a bit." Aomine suggested. Kise sighed and reluctantly got up with the others, except Akashi.

"You go on ahead. I'll stay here."

"Sei-kun...what about lunch?"

"I would rather stay here with you. I just got back."

"I'll still be here. Go." Kuroko instructed firmly. With a sign, Akashi relented and left with the others leaving Kuroko to sleep.


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