Chapter 9: Request

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" need to eat. You haven't eaten in five days. Just please. Even just a few bites." Akashi pleaded with his lover, but as usual, his words were met with nothing but silence. He knew Kuroko was hurting. He understood that. But the silence was deafening and Akashi was getting extremely worried. Kuroko wouldn't talk. He wouldn't eat. He had nightmares every time he slept. And all Akashi could do was watch the one person he loved most in the world slip away from him.....again.

He wiped the tears from his eyes and gently rolled Kuroko onto his back so the two could see eye to eye.

"Please...I'll do anything Tetsuya...please...." Akashi begged again, but Kuroko looked away.

"Kill me." The bluenette whispered. Akashi froze. It was like someone had stabbed him in his heart.


" said you'd do kill me."


"I SAID KILL ME!" Kuroko suddenly screamed.

"I can't do that."

"YOU'RE AKASHI SEIJURO. YOU'RE ABSOLUTE. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. SO KILL ME!" Kuroko screamed, something he didn't often do. It terrified Akashi to hear those words, to be asked such a favor. He was horrified.

Akashi pulled Kuroko into his arms and hugged him as tight as he dared while Kuroko struggled against him, hitting him and scratching him. Kuroko wasn't strong enough to do any damage and even if he did, Akashi was not letting him go.

"Please calm down Tetsuya. I won't kill you."


"Anything but that, Tetsuya. I need you. I love you. I won't kill you." Akashi held the bluenette even tighter as tears streamed down his face.

"YOU're just like lie..." Kuroko stopped flailing and slumped in Akashi's arms sobbing. "He lied too. He said he loved me. He said he would come back. We would be a family again. I'm all alone now......I don't want to be alone."

"'re not alone. I'm right here. You have me and you have lots of friends who care about you. You're not alone." Akashi pressed the help call button and continued to hold Kuroko as the latter continued to beg.

"You'll leave me too...please...just kill said you would do anything......."

"I'm sorry Tetsuya." Akashi apologized as a nurse put a sedative in Kuroko's IV. It worked almost instantly and Kuroko went limp. Akashi laid him down and pulled up the covers before thanking the nurse and stepping outside. He didn't bother to go any further than the hall outside the room before breaking down.

"A....Akashi?.....Akashi! What's wrong?" Aomine nearly shouted as he rushed over with Kise right behind him. They had come to visit as usual when the navy haired teen spotted their ex-captain sitting on the floor of the hallway sobbing into his knees.

"Akashicchi?" Kise hesitated. Aomine crouched down beside the red head and pulled him to his side. After a moment, Kise sat on the other side of Akashi and started rubbing his back comfortingly. "Akashicchi...what happened....?"

"I.....I can't....he....I just....he asked..." Akashi chocked out between sobs. Kise and Aomine looked at each other worried and waited for him to continue, which he did after a minute or so. "He was begging me to kill him....and....I don't know what to do anymore...."

Aomine and Kise were silent. They weren't sure what to do either. Akashi was the one who always had the answers...or at least that's how it was supposed to be. If he didn't have the answers....

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