Chapter 14: Cold

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  This chapter is far too short but after staring at it for two days, I'm going to post it and move on. I think I'm going to skip some time between this chapter and next chapter.
Anyways, I would love to hear your thoughts on the story so far so if you have time... 

 Akashi held Kuroko and tried to get some rest as well but his mind kept replaying parts of his conversation with the doctor earlier.

"Lifelong complications." Akashi remembered. Dr. Midorima said there would be some, but not what they were and Akashi had been too preoccupied to ask. Now that his mind had time to wander, the possibilities were frightening.

His talk with Kuroko about his mother was also bothering him. His mother had died from an illness, and while Kuroko's illness was different, it wouldn't be all that surprising if it claimed his life. Akashi didn't know why the thought hadn't occurred to him sooner. Now that it did, he felt the anxiety rising in his chest. Closing his eyes, he pushed the thoughts back and calmed his breathing when he felt someone's gaze.

He looked down at the shivering bluenette bundled in his arms and realized soft blue eyes were staring at him.

"Tetsuya, I thought you were asleep."

"Hai. I was."

"Are you still cold?"

Kuroko nodded. "A bit." He admitted, snuggling his face back into Akashi's chest.

Akashi frowned. With warm pajamas, sheets, and four blankets, he shouldn't be cold. The room wasn't cold. Kuroko seemed to read his mind.

"It's okay Sei-kun. I'm always cold." He tried to reassure, but only worried Akashi more.

"That's not normal you know? You really do need to eat more. You're too thin."

Kuroko nodded. "I'm not that thin and I don't like food. But I'll try." He covered a yawn.

Akashi furrowed his brow while narrowing his eyes and he clicked his tongue at Kuroko's response. He didn't like the first part at all. They should probably talk more about that, but not right now. Instead of replying, Akashi moved Kuroko off his lap and began unbuttoning his shirt to Kuroko's surprise and confusion.

"S...Sei-kun? Wh....what are you doing?" Kuroko stuttered as Akashi pulled his shirt off and then removed Kuroko's.

"I'm warming you up." Akashi informed in a matter of fact way leaving no room for protest. With both their shirts off, he pulled Kuroko back onto his lap and pressed their bare upper bodies together. He pulled the blankets over top of them and wrapped his arms around the bluenette. Cheeks beginning to flush, Kuroko buried his face into the crook of Akashi's neck. Akashi was so warm. His touch was like fire melting the ice covering Kuroko's body and Kuroko soaked up the warmth eagerly pressing as much of his skin against the red heads firm chest as possible.

Akashi could feel a small smile forming on Kuroko's face and he smiled to, although it was a sad smile. Without their shirts, he could feel his boyfriends' bones more clearly, which always worried him. They were far too defined.

"This is warmer right?" Akashi asked. Kuroko nodded without removing his face from its place in the crook of Akashi's neck.

"Hai......Thank you." The bluenette whispered softly while resting his eyes.

"It's nothing, but you should have said something sooner Love." Akashi replied inspired to try out the nickname. He wasn't even sure Kuroko noticed it until he felt Kuroko trying to bury his face even deeper into Akashi's shoulder.

"What was that for Sei-kun?" Kuroko tried to hide his embarrassment and growing blush.

"I thought it sounded nice. I can't call you Love?" Akashi responded with a teasing note in his voice and Kuroko shook his head.

"You can, I just didn't expect it."

"That was the point." Akashi smiled to himself and ran a hand through Kuroko's hair.

"You're mean." Kuroko pouted into the red heads shoulder playfully. Akashi laughed.

"Would you prefer darling? Or cupcake perhaps?"

"De ja vu. I believe we have had this conversation before Sei-kun." Kuroko attempted to keep the amusement from his monotone voice and mostly succeeded. Only Akashi would notice it anyway.

"I believe you liked darling best." Akashi teased.

"I did not." Kuroko scoffed. "I said no to both!"

"But I can call you Love?" Akashi asked in a more serious tone, somewhat catching Kuroko off guard.

"I suppose." The bluenette relented. He turned his head and placed a small kiss on Akashi's jaw and this time it was Akashi who was caught off guard. Kuroko wasn't the one to initiate kisses. He was about to ask Kuroko about it, or something like that, when he realized his boyfriend had fallen asleep.

"You fall asleep too quickly....Love." He muttered under his breath adding the new nickname after a second of hesitation.

His fingers carefully brushed the blue strands from Kuroko's forehead and he placed a kiss in the middle before shifting and falling asleep himself. 

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