Chapter 20: Physical Therapy

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A/N: Okay....short chapter, but I'm running out of ideas. If you have any ideas for scenes please let me know!!!!!!! Like, would you all like to seem him start attending Rakuzan with Akashi, experience a relapse, some sort of tragedy, something with the GOM, some intimacy between Akashi and Kuroko, giant robots attacking...idk????

Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I'm really sorry it's taking me so long to update all my stories lately!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Updates will probably continue to be slow at least for a while longer. 

"Just a little bit more Tetsuya." Akashi encouraged from his position standing in front of the treadmill Kuroko was using. It had been two days since Kuroko began walking again and Akashi and Dr. Nakata had arranged for Kuroko to begin physical therapy. Kuroko was excited but nervous about it. And with good reason.

He let out a barely audible groan but his eyes held a fierce determination as he forced himself through another two minutes of walking. His grip tightened on the handles and his arms took on as much of his weight as possible to make it easier, but they were weak too. When the two minutes finally finished, the physical therapist, Dr. Asari reached over and hit the stop button. Kuroko managed to step off the machine before his trembling legs liquefied beneath him. Luckily, Akashi was quick and caught him before he hit the ground.

"You did well Love." The red head congratulated in a soft and reassuring tone. Kuroko smiled and snuggled into Akashi's face as the latter supported him over to the metal chair.

"Good job Kuroko-kun. That was ten minutes." Dr. Asari beamed. "How about we try some hand weights before we end the session?"

"I guess." Kuroko replied unsure. Dr. Asari grabbed the two pound weights and handed them over. Detaching himself from his lover, Kuroko took the weights in each hand. They weren't heavy at the moment, but he knew they would feel heavy after a while.

"Okay, you can do this sitting down if you need to. Just scoot to the edge of the chair and sit up tall. Now tuck your elbows into your side and hold the weights out like this." The therapist demonstrated.

Kuroko let out a breath before scooting to the edge of the chair and copying the arm position.

"Good. Now lift them up in a 'v' shape on the exhale and bring them back to the starting position on the inhale. Try to do it four times."

"Hai." Kuroko replied before beginning. Just as instructed, he exhaled as he brought his arms up and inhaled as he brought them down. He managed four pretty easily and his lips curled into a small smile proud of the accomplishment. He glanced over at Akashi to see a similar expression before returning his attention to the trainer.

"Good." Dr. Asari complimented as he wrote down the number on his clipboard. "Now I want you to tuck your arms into the side at a ninety degree angle palms facing up for a bicep curl. One at a time, lift the weight up to your shoulder on the exhale and bring it back down on the inhale. Do four."

"Hai." Again, Kuroko followed the instructions. It was a little more difficult this time since the weights were feeling a little heavy now, but he managed it and smiled at the end. The therapist also smiled and nodded as he wrote the number down on the paper again.

"Okay, last one for the day. Keep your arms at the side but have your palms facing inward. On the exhale, push the arms forward till they are straight and your hands are about level with your shoulders. On the inhale, bring them back to start. Again, four times."

Taking a deep breath, Kuroko lifted his arms to a ninety degree angle. He exhaled and pushed the weights forward then pulled them back. It was harder this time and his arms felt weak when he finally finished. After all, they had been helping to hold him up on the treadmill. Still, he finished the four before letting his arms relax. Dr. Asari took the weights from his hand and he leaned into Akashi's side.

"Good job. We will do a bit more next time. I will see you on Friday. Don't forget to walk tomorrow, okay?" the trainer reminded as got up.

Kuroko nodded keeping his face snuggled into Akashi's shirt. It was a cute sight and Akashi giggled a bit before detaching himself and grabbing the wheel chair. This time, Kuroko didn't protest when Akashi helped him into the chair. He was tired and his legs were still shaky so he couldn't have walked to the car even if he tried. As soon as he was settled he let his eyes rest while Akashi pushed him out of the building to the waiting limosine.

Kuroko groaned at the sight of the large car. Who takes a limo to a physical therapist? He had asked Akashi that morning but Akashi insisted. At least the seats were comfy he could easily control the heat.

"You did well today Love. I'm proud." Akashi stated proudly after helping Kuroko into the car.

Kuroko smiled up at his boyfriend. "Thank you for coming with me. I'm sorry you had to miss practice though."

"You are far more important Love. Besides, if I hadn't come, I wouldn't have gotten to watch my Tetsuya succeed at so many things."

"You're embarrassing!" Kuroko blushed and playfully hid his face in Akashi's shirt causing the latter to laugh.

"And you are adorable."

"Seriously! Embarrassing!!!" Kuroko whined giving a playful punch to Akashi's arm.

Akashi chuckled. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He teased.


"Fine. I'll stop. I love you." Akashi wrapped his arms around the bluenette and pulled him into his lap.

Kuroko nuzzled into Akashi's firm chest and murmured an 'I love you too.' Then he let his eyes close and rested the rest of the way.

When they got back to the house, Akashi carried him to the living room and placed him gently on the couch before taking a seat next to him. Kuroko placed his head in Akashi's lap and Akashi gently stroked his hair till dinner was called. 

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