Chapter 12: Conflict

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"Akashi, may I see you in my office?" Dr. Midorima asked once they had returned to the hospital and Kuroko had been put back in his room. Akashi nodded. Kuroko had some test done the day before so the doctor probably wanted to talk about that.

They walked in silence till they got to the doctor's office and they took their usual seats.

"I got the test results back from yesterday." Dr. Midorima began.

"I figured as much. It's not good news judging by your expression and the fact you brought me here to tell me."

The doctor shook his head and handed some papers documenting the results to Akashi.

"No it's not. His lung, heart, and brain function are decreasing. His wounds aren't healing and regulating his body temperature is getting harder. If he doesn't start eating again, I will have no choice but to start him on a gastronomy tube instead of the NG tube. The NG tube was only meant to be temporary in the first place and only provides supplemental nutritional support. The gastronomy tube is a last resort since it carries a lot of risks, but it's been ten days since he's eaten, he's lost weight again, and his condition is nearing the point where the damage will no longer be reversible. We long passed the point where he can come away from this without life long complications, but if things don't change soon, he won't survive long enough for that to matter."

"He's going to die if we don't do something quick." Akashi summarized and looked down at the papers in his hands. He felt like he was going to be sick from the fear coursing through him. "I'll make him eat. He can hate me for all I care. If he won't eat tonight, then do it. Put it in." Akashi raised his head and met the doctor's eyes with a fierce glare. "Do whatever it takes. Please."

Dr. Midorima nodded and Akashi stood, crushing the papers in his clenched fists and forcing his legs to carry him outside the office. He found Kise and Shintarō outside the door, obviously eavesdropping by their expressions.

"Kurokocchi's going to..." Started as soon as Akashi closed the office door. "DON'T SAY IT!" Akashi ordered and the blond immediately stopped talking.

" didn't have to..." Shintarō started but was cut off as well.

"DON'T. I'm not in the mood!"


"Akashi....don't do anything stupid."

Akashi growled and grabbed Shintarō by the collar. "I. am. Not. In. the. Mood. If you have anything else to say, save it."

"Your eye." Shintarō pointed out calmly. Akashi glared at him then realized what he meant. He was losing control. He took a shaky breath.

"Forget it." Akashi let go of the greenette who shook his head.

"I know your upset but..."

"I said forget it Shintarō. I'm sorry. I need to go."

"Is there anything we can do to help Akashicchi?"

"Get some soup or porridge from the cafeteria and bring it to the room."

"Yes sir." Kise replied quickly and dragged Shintaro away.

Akashi took another breath and leaned against the wall.

"You can't come out." He whispered to himself. "If you do..."

"If I don't, he might die anyway since you seem incapable of saving him." His other self replied.

"I'm doing the best I can."

"You're not. You could have forced him a long time ago. You wanted to be the nice guy though."

"What good would forcing it do? It would just upset him."

"We could fix that after he wasn't dying anymore!"

"First off, there is no we. You don't get near him. We agreed on this. Second of all, neither of us could fix anything if he refused to talk to us....unless you were going to suggest using force because that's all you know how to do."

"Tcht. Fine. Then we could just let him hate us. He wouldn't be dying then."

"You really are an idiot."

"I'm you."

"You sound like a little kid with that comeback. Just shut up and let me handle this."

"Fine. If he dies, I'm taking over."

"I won't let that happen." Akashi snarled and pushed himself off the wall. He wasn't going to let Tetsuya die and he wasn't letting the other him take over. That was final.

By the time he got back to Kuroko's room, Kise and Shintarō were already standing there with a bowl of porridge.

"Are you better now?" Shintarō asked cautiously. Akashi nodded and took the porridge.

"You two can go now." Akashi ordered and stepped into the room. He gestured Aomine, who had been watching Kuroko to leave then turned his attention to Kuroko who was surprisingly awake and staring at the bowl in his hands with displeasure.

"I'm not hungry." Kuroko whispered once Aomine had left the room. Akashi sighed and sat on the bed.

"I didn't ask."

"I won't."

"Tetsuya." Akashi warned but Kuroko ignored him and turned away. The red head sighed and put the bowl on the table. "Tetsuya, it's been ten days. You're going to die if you don't eat."

"Good." Kuroko mumbled.

Akashi took a deep breath. Kuroko felt a stinging sensation in his cheek and looked back at Akashi. His cheek hurt terribly. Akashi had slapped him.


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