Chapter 6: Tragedy Strikes

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Akashi slid out of bed early the next morning and greeted Midorima at the door.

"Thanks for coming Shintaro." Akashi whispered.

"I was already here with my father anyway."

"Still. Taiga said he would be here by noon. Apparently something came up."

"That's fine, but are you sure this is a good idea? Kuroko....."

"I know. I don't have a choice and I can't take him with me. It's just for a few days."

"Still....even with you here..."

"He said he would be okay."

"And you trust him?" Midorima raised an eye brow.

"Not really. Like I said, I don't have a choice. Just watch over him. I'll be back no later than Thursday."

Midorima nodded and Akashi went back to the bed to kiss Kuroko good bye.

"S...sei-kun." Kuroko whispered groggily still half asleep since it was only 5 A.M."

"I'm here." Akashi replied taking the smaller boys hand.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes. I have to go now. Shintaro is going to stay with you for a while till Taiga gets here okay. Be good for me while I'm gone." The red head gently squeezed Kuroko's hand and used his free hand to cup Kuroko's face as he gave him another kiss. "I Love you. I'll be back before you know it."

"I love you too Sei-kun." Kuroko replied.

"Go back to sleep."


Akashi grabbed his bag and gave Kuroko another kiss before leaving. Midorima took a seat in the corner and dozed off.

Most of the day passed uneventfully. Midorima tried to talk to Kuroko when the bluenette woke up, but Kuroko barely replied and so he gave up. It was quite obvious that Kuroko was not okay, but there was nothing he could do. He tried suggesting that Kuroko call Akashi, but Kuroko only smiled sadly and said he didn't want to be a bother. Midorima didn't push. At noon. Kagami arrived and Midorima left.

Kagami tried to start a conversation as well, but failed. When dinner arrived, Kuroko refused so Kagami decided it was finally time to call Akashi.

"Taiga? What's wrong?" Akashi answered the phone.

"He's depressed and he won't eat." Kagami growled.

"Hand him the phone please."

"Kuroko, Akashi wants to talk to you." Kagami handed Kuroko the phone.

"Hai?" Kuroko answered quietly. Akashi sighed.

"You need to eat your dinner." He commanded.


"I love you Tetsuya."


"Hand the phone back to Taiga please."

"Hai." Kuroko returned Kagami's phone.

"He's not going to eat." Akashi informed the taller red head.

"I thought I heard you...."

"He only said that to shut me up. Let him be for tonight."


"Just let it be."


"If he's still like this tomorrow. Call me."

With that Akashi hung up.

"Kuroko......." Kagami tried again. He knew if the bluenette didn't listen to Akashi, it was hopeless, but he had to try. He sat down on the bed and rubbed Kuroko's back. "Akashi wants you to eat and so do I."

"Please just go away Kagami-kun."

Kagami sighed and stood up. "I'll be back tomorrow. Sleep well." The red head left without noticing the tears in the smaller boys eyes. As soon as he was gone, Kuroko cried.

He knew he had no reason to cry and he felt selfish, which only made him more upset, but he couldn't help it. There were too many negative thoughts swirling around in his mind. He was thankful when sleep finally claimed him.

Tuesday proceeded much the same as Monday. Kuroko was quiet and distant. Nothing changed until Kagami left for lunch and Kuroko's cell rang. He didn't pick it up. It rang again and he ignored it again. The third time, he looked at the caller ID.

"Africa" he read. Only one person would call him from Africa. He hurriedly clicked the answer button.


"Kuroko Tetsuya?" The man on the other end asked. It wasn't his fathers voice, but he recognized it.

"Ihejirika?" Kuroko asked, the confusion evident in his voice. Why was his fathers partner calling him? Calls were expensive.

"Hai. Tetsuya," The man spoke cautiously. He wasn't Japanese so he always used Kuroko's first name.

"Is something wrong?" Kuroko interrupted uneasily.

"Hai. Your father.....I have some bad news. Your father, he's gone."

"I....I don't understand." Despite the broken Japanese, Kuroko understood every word, but surely Ihejirika didn't mean gone like that.....

"I'm sorry kid. We were on an assignment and it got out of hand. They will be sending someone to inform you in a few days, but I thought it best if you heard it from me first. I'll be in Japan soon, but the messenger will probably get there first."

"He's.....he's dead?" Kuroko asked.

"I'm sorry."

"No. This is a joke right?"

"It's not."

"He can't"

"I'm so sorry."

"How? How could you let him die?" Kuroko's voice was quiet and monotone but Ihejirika knew he wasn't calm.

"The assignment we were on. Three of our men got caught in crossfire. They were shot. One of them was your father."

"Was it quick?"

"Huh?" The man had met Kuroko a few times before so the calmness in his voice and the questions didn't surprise him as much as they might someone else, but he hadn't expected the kid to ask for details.

"Did he die quickly? Did it kill him instantly?"

The line was silent for a moment and Kuroko thought maybe the man didn't understand but Ihejirika was trying to decide whether to lie or tell the truth. He decided on the truth, since if Kuroko found out he lied, it could make things worse.


"No what?"

"It wasn't quick."

"Was he alone?"

"No. I was there with him the whole time. And so was Bishan. We were both there."

"Thank you. Thank you for being with him." Kuroko hung up the phone before Ihejirika could respond.

His father was dead. He was never coming back.

Kuroko watched the door for a moment to make sure no one had heard and would come busting in. When he was sure, he pulled the phone cover off of his phone and placed into his hand the only thing that could help him now.

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