Chapter 16: Changes

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"Here." Akashi handed Kuroko his morning supplement drink. The blue haired teen grimaced but accepted and took small sips. He didn't want to go back to the hospital after one day for breaking the first condition.

Akashi smiled satisfied with Kuroko's acceptance and sat next to him on the bed. "There's something I want to talk to you about if you aren't too tired."

"I just woke up, Sei-kun."

"Yes, but you get tired easily sometimes. I was only checking." Akashi sighed and pulled Kuroko against his side. "It's about school."

Kuroko paused mid-sip and looked up at Akashi. "School?"

"I'm giving you a choice."

"A choice."

"Stop repeating everything I say." Akashi commanded and Kuroko nodded before continuing to sip his drink again. "Since you no longer live in Tokyo, you should transfer to Rakuzan. However, you can choose homeschooling if you would prefer. We don't know when you will be well enough to return to school or when you will want to and you already do all your work from home, so if you want to be homeschooled, my father can arrange for it to happen. It's up to you."

"I don't mind going to school with you. I'll miss Seirin...but if I have you, it's okay." He sighed.

Akashi smiled and placed a chaste kiss on Kuroko's lips. "Then I will have the paperwork filled out for you."

"You already did Sei-kun." Kuroko accused with a blank expression, however those who knew him well could hear the annoyance in his voice. "You knew what I would choose. I can tell."

Akashi let out a small chuckle and poked the bluenettes nose. "You are correct." He confirmed. "I knew."

"You are supposed to ask before, not after." Kuroko mumbled under his breath. He returned his half-finished drink to Akashi who gave him a disapproving look. He ignored it.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to finish it just because you apologize."

Akashi rolled his eyes at his boyfriends' attitude. "I didn't think you would. That wasn't why I apologized. Get some rest, okay?" Akashi stood and moved toward the door.

"Where are you going?"

"For a jog. I won't be gone long. Shall I send in one of the staff to keep you company?" Akashi looked at Kuroko worriedly. He probably shouldn't leave him alone after eating, but Kuroko shook his head. After giving a warning glare, Akashi nodded and left. Just in case, he had one of the butlers stand outside the door before leaving.

Akashi took his normal jogging route which took about half an hour. When he returned, he was relieved when the butler outside said Kuroko was fine. He opened the door a crack and checked just to make sure and everything looked fine. Kuroko was asleep, or at least he seemed to be. He was proud of his boyfriend and made a note to reward him later. Kuroko might have known someone was outside the door, but that was irrelevant. He didn't try anything. Akashi left him alone and he behaved.

Akashi smiled and hummed as he went to one of the bathrooms attached to an empty guest room so he wouldn't bother Kuroko yet. As he washed the sweat from his body he pondered what he could do as a reward. Obviously, food or anything involving food was out of the question. That narrowed the list of possible small rewards down considerably. Who knew how dependent people were on food related things as rewards? Kuroko's physical condition narrowed the list even further. Akashi sighed. Perhaps he could buy him something? Except, Kuroko was never one who placed much value on material things.

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