Chapter 8: Messenger

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Akashi typed a quick text to explain the situation to his father before pocketing his phone and leaning against the wall. It would take a few minutes to get the helicopter ready. He let a single tear escape his eyes before pushing the rest back down. How many times had he felt his world collapse from nearly losing the one he loved? It was too much but he couldn't cry right now. He needed to get to Kuroko. He needed to be strong to Kuroko's sake.

It took less than half an hour to reach Tokyo but every minute felt like hours to Akashi. As soon as the helicopter landed on the hospital roof, he jumped out and met Dr. Midorima who was waiting by the elevator.

"How is he?" Akashi shouted over the noise of the retreating helicopter. Dr. Midorima ushered him into the elevator before replying.

"He lost a lot of blood. We gave him a transfusion and stitched up the cuts on his arm. He's unconscious right now."

"Did he say why he did it?"

"Nothing that anyone could make out."

"I see."

The doctor led him to Kuroko's room and left with Shintaro so the two could have some privacy. Akashi approached the bed cautiously, as if moving too fast might break the frail figure in front of him. The bluenette was paler than before and an oxygen mask rested on his face. The sheets had been replaced and crisp white bandages wrapped around Kuroko's left arm and neck with the slightest tinge of red. He was asleep, but he didn't look peaceful.

"T....tetsuya...." Akashi whispered to the quiet room as he sat on the edge of the bed. He took the smaller boys right hand and, although he tried not to, he cried. "I'm so sorry Tetsuya....I'm so sorry..."

"S....Sei-kun...." Kuroko whispered. Akashi quickly wiped his eyes and pulled the smaller boy into a hug.

"I'm here Tetsuya. I'm here."

"S....Sei-kun.....He's gone...." Kuroko began crying again but continued. "Otou-san is dead...he's gone."

Akashi was shocked, but he held Kuroko closer and rubbed his back soothingly. "I'm so sorry. I should have been here for you. I'm so sorry."

"He's gone...."

"Shhh." Akashi repositioned so they could both lay down on the bed and held the bluenette to his chest. After a while, the sobs turned to whimpers and sniffles before disappearing as exhaustion claimed Kuroko again.

Once he was sure his lover was asleep, he untangled himself and stepped outside to find Shintaro and Midorima-san waiting outside.

"His father is dead." Akashi stated blandly as he headed towards a chair and slumped down. He felt exhausted and helpless.

Both greenettes followed him and took seats as well.

"I thought his father was in another country." Shintaro stated after a moment.

"He can still die in another country." Akashi scowled.

"But how did Kuroko find out?"

"He must have received a call. Does he have any other relatives?" Midorima-san asked. Both boys shook their heads.

"As far as we know, Kuroko's father was all he had. His mother passed away when he was really young and he never mentioned any other family." Shintaro added.

"He's in no condition to handle this....If he is the only living relative, he will be responsible for handling the funeral arrangements and everything else."

"I don't think that should be our biggest concern doctor!" Akashi glared at the doctor. "I and the Akashi family can handle such things for him if need be. His mental state is far more concerning, or did you both forget he tried to kill himself again only hours ago!"

Midorima and Shintaro flinched but composed themselves quickly.

"I didn't mean to sound insensitive."

"Too late. I know. You were concerned about the responsibilities he would face making things worse. I shouldn't have lashed out. Thank you for everything so far." Akashi stood and gave a slight bow to the doctor before turning back to Kuroko's room.

"Akashi....." Shintaro whispered as he watched his friend.

The messenger arrived the next day. Kuroko wouldn't speak so Akashi took over.

"I'm afraid I don't even know what sort of business Tetsuya's father was in. Perhaps you could enlighten me." Akashi whispered to the man as they sat in the corner of the room where they wouldn't disturb the sleeping bluenette. They spoke in English since the messenger only spoke limited Japanese. Akashi was fluent in both so it was no problem.

"Kuroko Hiroki was a photographer. His team has been on assignment in Africa for the past six years photographing the multiple disputes and wars of the various countries of Africa. Their current work was photographing some incidents belonging to the South Sudan-Sudan Border Conflict. Perhaps you have heard of it?"

"Only that it's regarding oil."

"Yes. Although religious differences between the involved parties have not failed to create even further problems. One of the disputes between the two parties involved turned unexpectedly violent and the chaos was beyond expectations. Three team members were shot and two died, including Hiroki."

"I see." Akashi thought for a moment before continuing. "What interest does the Japanese media or government have in such conflicts?"

"They don't. Kuroko Hiroki does not work for the Japanese media or government. Our organization is affiliated with the U.N. technically. I'm afraid I can't tell you any more than that though."

"I see. Well I thank you for your explanations." Akashi gave the slightest bow. "I assume you didn't come all the way to Japan to simply tell Tetsuya of his fathers death."

"No." The messenger replied as he pulled out a vanilla file folder and a packet of papers. "The folder contains Hiroki's will, his certificate of death, and various important documents. I suggest Tetsuya get a lawyer to sort things out since Hiroki left his will and other issues in the organizations hands instead of a lawyer."

Akashi took the folder and eyed the packet of papers. "And those."

"Ah. Forms. Consent for the body to be returned to Japan and a waiver of liability stating that Tetsuya received the documents in the folder and accepts them. These need to be signed today."

Akashi took the papers and stood up. "I don't know if that will be possible, but I will try."

"Actually," The messenger cut him off before he could walk away, "given his circumstances, I think it would be okay if you signed for him. I can tell he isn't well."

The red head eyed the messenger carefully looking for anything suspicious and returned to his seat when he was satisfied everything was okay. The man was just being considerate. Akashi was grateful. He accepted the pen and scribbled Kuroko's name in the necessary spots, but only after thoroughly reading through each page. He then returned them to the messenger. "Is that all?"

"Yes. Thank you for your time." The messenger stood and gave a small bow towards Akashi and another towards the sleeping Kuroko. "I'll see myself out." Akashi nodded and watched the man leave before settling on the bed again and pulling Kuroko close. 

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