Untitled Part 17

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AN: I have some news for you all! A few things actually. One, I've started the abuse story I mentioned a while back. It's called The Fragile Phantom. Two. I'm starting another Kuroko eating disorder story that takes place in Teiko. It will be titled Weightless Phantom (I haven't posted it yet). It's going to start out almost exactly the same as The Fragile Phantom (I think...that could change) for the first chapter but then go in a different direction. I know that's weird, but it was the only way to satisfy my brain. ANYWAY!!! Third. Updates for some stories might be a little less frequent for a while. There's some other stuff going on right now, but I'll still update as frequently as possible. Four. I forgot what the fourth thing was............

Anyway...I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'd love to hear your thoughts as always!!!!! Love ya all! Hope you are having an amazing day!



Kagami and the generation of miracles, including Kuroko, were sitting in the living room watching the TV when the maid came in to call them for dinner. Other than Akashi and Kuroko, everyone stood uneasily. Akashi shifted and was about to help Kuroko get comfortable lying on the couch when Kise's hand wrapped around the bluenettes wrist.

"Kurokocchi...come with us..." He pleaded with his puppy dog expression. Of course, Kuroko's muscles tensed as did the muscles of nearly everyone in the room. Aomine and Kagami wanted to know what the damn idiotic blond was thinking asking such a thing and were ready to slap him upside the head for such an insensitive request. They all knew how uncomfortable even being around food made their small friend. Akashi was already glaring at Kise with a murderous glare. He was ready to kill the blond if his lover got upset. Murasakibara didn't notice any of it though as he was almost out of the room already. Of all of them, he understood the least about the situation. He knew better that to ask something like Kise had done, but he didn't quite get why. Midorima was just inching farther away to avoid whatever bloodshed might be drawing near.

To say the room was tense was an understatement. Kuroko's quiet agreement to join them went unnoticed the first time.

Realizing they weren't paying attention, Kuroko grabbed Akashi's hand with his free one and squeezed it. "I'll come...." He repeated in a shaky voice.

All eyes were immediately on him and he shrunk back into the cushions. Akashi lifted the bluenettes chin and established eye contact as he searched Kuroko's eyes.

"You don't have to." Akashi reminded sternly after a moment but Kuroko shook his head.

"It's okay...I....I don't m....mind." He stuttered. He actually did mind, but his mouth seemed to utter words without his brains permission and for some reason, his brain refused to protest by correcting his mouth.

Akashi hesitated for another moment before breaking eye contact. "Daiki! Wheel chair." He commanded. Aomine obeyed and the wheel chair was by the couch in a matter of seconds. After placing his lover in the seat, he placed a chaste kiss on his trembling lips and whispered. "Will you eat with us?"

Shakily, Kuroko nodded and Akashi ordered Midorima to inform the kitchen staff. Inside, Akashi was overjoyed that Kuroko was agreeing to eat with them. He would have been happy even if Kuroko had refused to eat and only agreed to sit with them. However, Kise would still be punished later.

Akashi sat at the head of the table with Kuroko beside him. On Kuroko's other side was Kise. Aomine took a seat next to Kise and the other three sat on Akashi's other side with Midorima across from Kuroko, Murasakibara across from Kise, and Kagami across from Aomine. Everyone remained tense at first as they placed food on their plates and Kuroko stared uneasily at his little bowl of porridge. All the smells were threatening to send his mind into panic mode but he held his ground. He didn't want to ruin dinner for the others by crying.

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