Chapter 13: Progress in Porridge

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Comments/votes appreciated! Enjoy. I can't believe this has 100 views on here!! That's more than the prequel somehow! Thanks so much ya'll!!!!!

"S...Sei....kun..." Kuroko stutters wide-eyed as he places a hand on the cheek that was slapped. It doesn't feel real.

"That's enough!" And once again, Akashi is crying. Akashi is crying for him. Because of him. Akashi is crying and Kuroko doesn't know what to do.


Akashi pulls him into his arms before he can finish. "I..I love you Tetsuya...I love you and I can't lose you. You're my world. I don't ever want to give you up. Not to another person. Not to this disease. Not to death. I'd give you the whole world if I thought it would make you eat even just a bit."


"Let me finish. I'm a selfish person Tetsuya. I want to be with you for the rest of my hopefully long life. I want to grow old with you. I want to see your smile every day and feel you next to me every night. If you die.....there will be nothing left of me. My world will be gone. And if you don't will die."

The two sat holding each other crying after Akashi finished. Kuroko didn't know what he wanted to do, but when Akashi pulled away and looked into his eyes, he realized something. He was hurting the one person left that he loved and he didn't want to. His father was gone, but Akashi was still here.

"I...I'm sorry....I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Kuroko repeated as Akashi pulled him in for another hug.

"It's okay. Shhh. I know. It's okay." The red head whispered. "I forgive you."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

"Tetsuya.....I said I forgive you..." Akashi pulled away and lifted Kuroko's head to make eye contact as he spoke firmly. "I forgive you. Just please. Please eat."

Kuroko looked away with a tiny nod and Akashi whispered a quiet thank you before hugging him again.

"Is porridge okay or would you prefer something else?" Akashi asked after allowing Kuroko and himself a few more minutes to calm down.

"I...I don't mind....but..."

"But what?"

"It's probably cold...."

A small smile tugged at Akashi's lips as he unwrapped his arms from around Kuroko. "Then I will get you a fresh bowl. Does that sound better?"

Kuroko nodded. Akashi kissed his forehead and picked up the bowl and opened the door, nearly knocking three teens over. He scowled and shut the door.

"Eavesdropping? Do you have a death wish?" Akashi hissed in a whisper as he fixed Kise, Aomine, and Kagami with a deadly glare.

"I told you all it was a bad idea." Shintarō said from his place on the other side of the hallway leaning against the wall. Akashi threw him a murderous glare as well.

"Shintarō, you are just as guilty for not stopping them." Akashi informed him with an icy cold tone.

"Have you ever tried stopping three idiots?" Shintarō raised a brow.

"As a matter of fact, I do it quite often."

"Please don't kill us Akashicchi! We were only curious!"

"It was Kise's idea!" Both Kagami and Aomine pointed at the blond.

"Wha!!!!!? Was not!!! Aominicchi said..." Before Kise could finish, Aomine clamped his hand over the blonds mouth and looked at Akashi guiltily.

"Ryouta, go fetch a new bowl of porridge."

"Ehhhh...but what about..."

"It's cold Ryouta. Now go."

"Yes sir." Kise pouted and ran off like a dog with its tail between its legs.

"Daiki, Taiga, Shintarō." Akashi called their names with a terrifying calmness. "I'll be calling your coaches later. Now scram!"

"H...Hai." The three mentioned teens nodded and left quickly.

Kise returned with the new porridge and hot tea ten minutes later and Akashi re-entered the room. He placed the bowl and cup down on the table and took a seat on the bed before pulling the blue haired teen into his lap.

"Are you comfortable?" Akashi asked after wrapping the blanket around Kuroko.

"As comfortable as I can be with that in the room." He glared at the porridge. Akashi chuckled ever so slightly at the honest answer and lifted the spoonful.

"You don't have to eat all of it." Akashi reassured, but Kuroko grimaced. He took the first bite and swallowed before adding his reply.

"I don't want any of it...."

"I know. But eat half okay?" Akashi pleaded as he lifted another spoonful.

"I'll try." Kuroko took the bite and rested his head on Akashi's chest, letting the steady beat of Akashi's heart soothe him. Akashi smiled and continued feeding him and Kuroko closed his eyes. After a while, Akashi told him he could stop if he wanted since half the bowl was gone and Kuroko nodded letting out a sigh.

"Sorry Sei-kun.....for everything I mean." Kuroko whispered with his eyes still closed. Akashi kissed his lips briefly before assuring him it was okay.

"Have you....have you ever lost someone...someone close to you, Sei-kun?" Kuroko asked quietly.

Akashi hesitated for a moment. It wasn't something he cared to talk about, but for Kuroko, he would.

"I lost my mother." He responded equally quiet. Kuroko opened his eyes and furrowed his brow.

"I thought she was alive....?"

"That's my step-mom. My father remarried several years ago. She's a nice enough woman and I like her I suppose, but...she isn't my mother and she can never replace her."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Was all Kuroko could think to say.

"It's okay."

"If you don't mind....How did she die?"

"Illness." Akashi held Kuroko a little closer as he continued. "It wasn't sudden. It was sort of expected."

"What did it feel like? You don't have to tell me but...." Kuroko asked, closing his eyes.

"I don't mind. It hurt a lot initially, and then it was as if I didn't believe it. I would half expect to see her when I came home from school, but of course, she wasn't there. Then I was numb for a bit but I would cry or find myself angry at random times. The first year was the hardest. It got better after that." Akashi explained the best he could.

Silence stretched between the two teens until Kuroko shifted a bit and buried his face in Akashi's shirt.

"Is something wrong?" Akashi asked with worry.

"My head hurts Sei-kun..." Kuroko whispered.

"Do you want me to get a nurse?"

"I want to sleep...but it's so cold." Kuroko's voice was muffled by the shirt but Akashi managed to make it out.

"I'll grab some more blankets okay?" Akashi lifted Kuroko off his lap and grabbed two spare blankets from one of the cabinets. He wrapped Kuroko in one before placing him back on his lap and pulling the second one over both of them. "Is that better?"

Kuroko nodded and tried to snuggle closer, although that wasn't really possible. Akashi stroked Kuroko's hair and the bluenette hummed slightly enjoying the feeling.

"Rest." Akashi whispered. "I love you Tetsuya."

"" Kuroko groggily returned as he fell into sleep. Akashi smiled down at the sleeping male in his arms and continued stroking his hair.

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