Chapter Two

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Something was wrong with me. Something was seriously wrong with me. It had been months since I'd been outside. Since I'd seen Lisa or Dimitri. Nathan fed off of me three sometimes four times a week. I'd fallen. I'd fallen and I couldn't get up. I was what he wanted. His blood whore. At first, it was just feedings. He'd leave me chained to the wall in the bedroom and come in when he was hungry. I fought him the first couple of times. He liked that. That was NOT why I fought though. He made me sleep on the floor so that he could sleep on the bed. Yes. Strigoi sleep. I never would've expected that.

Things changed though after the first week. I found myself craning my neck so he could get better access. Sometimes he'd pretend to go in for a drink and walk away laughing. I'd cry. After the second week, he let me sleep next to him on the bed. I found myself curling into his side at night to get closer to him. On the third week, he decided he wanted more. I fought him on it. Tooth and nail. He'd always grind on me while drinking. It made it a little more fun. Sometimes he'd put his hands under my shirt. And other times, he pulled off my pants and we had sex. Ergo Blood Whore.

It was late. Nathan was late. The clock on the nightstand read seven o'clock. He was normally back by six. I was tied to the bed board wearing a loose black tank and low-riding sweatpants. My magazines lay on the ground. They were in Russian. There was no view of the television so I stared at the magazine pictures everyday. The front door slammed. He threw his papers on the coffee table. Nathan came into view. He was already taking off his shirt. Then his dark jeans. "You know the drill." He growled climbing on top of me. Without looking down I grabbed the edge of his boxers and pulled them down, revealing his length. He was huge. He nipped my neck as he thrust into me. I gasped in pleasure as the endorphins set in. He went to town, biting on my neck, on my arms. He lifted my shirt and bit my breast. I shut my eyes. It was time to get away. I needed to get away from all of this. I found Lisa. It was difficult at first, but I got in. She was in court with Adrian, Eddie, Christian and Dimitri. Oh Dimitri. I missed him so much.

"We have to be getting close." Lisa said. Dimitri nodded.

"One of our informants say they saw someone matching a description of her in Moscow." He said. "At the airport. She was unconscious and being put in a black car." Lisa closed her eyes.

"She's not Strigoi." Christian said, pulling her into him. She was going to cry. Adrian sighed.

"I talked to her yesterday." He said rubbing his temple. "Nothing's changed." I wasn't sure how much he'd told them but by the looks on their faces, it was probably everything.

"Rosie." I was sucked out of her head. "What do you say?" Nathan's cold eyes bore into mine. I took a deep breath.

"I'm yours." I whispered. "Only yours." Nathan kissed me on the lips. I kissed back greedily, wanting to make him happy. He couldn't be mad. It was bad when he got mad. He bit my neck again and sucked greedily. I moaned as the endorphins kicked in for a second time. My eyes were closing on their own.

"We're going to have a boy." He whispered in my ear. "And he is going to be the strongest of my kind." He stopped thrusting for a moment. I thought I would be able to relax. But he continued. Strigoi didn't get tired. He could continue all night. I blacked out.

I was at the ski lodge. Adrian stood in front of me with a frown on his face. He gave me a light kiss on the cheek and brushed a hand over my new bite marks. It made me shiver.

"We're getting closer Rose. Don't you worry." I was swaying. "Rose? Little Damphire?" The endorphins were making my head spin. I blinked twice.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Adrian relaxed.

"Don't be sorry." My hair was in disarray and I believed my eyes had a wild look to them.

"A-Adrian? Can I ask you a question?" He was playing with a small strand of my hair.

"You can ask me anything Little Damphire." I took a deep breath. I didn't expect him to know the answer but I was scared. Really really scared. It was impossible. There was no way...

"C-Can Strigoi reproduce?" Adrian studied me for a moment with his eyebrows raised. I needed to tell him the rest. It was important. "I've been having these... stomach pains..." I said quietly. "I also started vomiting. Like yesterday." He shook his head.

"Your aura seems..." He stopped. I was breaking down inside. I used to be the tough girl. I could keep my mind closed to myself. But I felt weak now. I was an open book. I wanted to curl into a ball and hide. "Rose-" The dream ended abruptly.


This couldn't be happening. There was no way this should be happening. I ran from my bedroom and over to Lisa's which was only a few doors down.

"She's pregnant Lisa." I said the second the door opened. "Rose is pregnant." She just stared at me wide eyed before walking over to Christian and sitting with him on the couch. She looked at me like I was crazy. I partly was though.

"How do you know Adrian?" She asked barely above a whisper. She didn't' believe me. Nice.

"Her aura." I said. "Lately it's been Grey. It's normally grey. But when she asked me if it was possible... I don't know. I noticed something different. There was pink around her stomach. She's pregnant with a girl."

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