Chapter Eleven

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I woke up shaking and caked in sweat. My entire body was sore. I remembered going to see Galina. She'd gotten her panties in a twist about me having... another child. Slowly, I sat up, ignoring my protesting body. Seriously, what had happened last night? I remembered Nathan on top of me. Our clothes had been off. He'd bitten me... There had been pain. "Good Morning Rosie." He growled walking over to the closet. He was dressed in a white towel. His blond hair was dripping with water. I curled into the soft blankets, totally expecting him to scream at me. Instead, he walked right out, shutting the door behind him. I fell back asleep only to wake a little while later to someone knocking on the door. Alexandra was sleeping on the couch. I checked the peephole. Max?

"Nathan's not here." I said through the door. I couldn't open it. There was a beep as he unlocked the door and came in. I backed up.

"I know." He said. "Did I wake you?" He didn't actually care.

"Kind of... Do you need something?" No answer. He was studying me.

"Those look painful." He said before sitting in one of the chairs next to the couch. I felt my swollen neck. I hadn't actually looked. "I heard Nathan wants a boy." Max said grinning. I gave him a questionable look.

"Yeah..." Max set his feet up on the table.

"How do you feel about that?"

"What are you? My psychiatrist?" He laughed.

"Did you know that you're the only claimed Blood-Whore here? Galina wont let anyone else keep one." I tensed a the term. What did he want. "You're something special Rose." He was still staring at my neck. I pulled my hair over my shoulders. Alexandra stirred. The front door opened and Nathan came in carrying a stack of papers. He set them down on the counter.

"Hey Max." Nathan said, barely looking up. Max's feet shot off of the coffee table.

"Hey dude." He said. Nathan kissed me on the cheek and pulled my hair back .

"Is there a reason you're in my home Max?" Finally. Max shrugged.

"I got lonely." He said, jokingly. "But I'll leave." He was gone in a flash. He nuzzled my neck.

"I hope you learned your lesson." He whispered. I closed my eyes.


Alexandra was asleep with her head on my lap. I was playing with her hair when Nathan came in. He was suppose to be at work and it was unusual for him to be back so soon. He kissed me hard on the cheek. "I thought you'd like to see your friends today." I gulped. There had to be some ulterior motive. I changed my clothes and included a scarf. The marks from the first night six weeks ago were still there. They were big and long gashes.


All I wanted was for Rose to trust me more. That meant no yelling at her, no ignoring her, and no hitting Alexandra. I'd been trying my best. Galina wanted to see how her friends acted around each other. As we neared the holding cell Rose stopped. She looked back at the direction we'd come. "Rose?" Her brown eyes looked up at me. She then took a deep breath and came within her friends view. I kept in the shadows and watched from a distance. The first one to approach her was the Ivashkov kid.

"How are things little dhamphir? Is Alexandra well?" Rose tensed with the question. I did so as well, wanting to hear her response.

"Alexandra's... okay." She didn't elaborate. "H-hi Lisa..." Vasalisa had slowly made her way over to the bars.

"What are you doing here Rose?" Rose's soft smile dropped to the floor.

"Leave her alone Vasalisa." Dimitri practically growled. Rose's shoulders sagged. From my position it wasn't possible to see her face but her head was tilted slightly to the side.

"Hey Comrade." She said.


I woke up alone. Daddy had been taking mamma places a lot. I missed her. Mamma told me yesterday that I was going to have a little brother. I told her I was excited. I'm not. I don't want daddy to hit him like he hits me. To be honest I don't think momma's excited either. Maybe it was her aura. There was also something in her eyes. I think she's worried too.

I flip on the TV and am happy that Dora's on. Mamma tells me that I should relax more. All I do is relax. I haven't left the house in weeks. All I can do is color and watch TV but any of those things for more than an hour gives me a headache. All of a sudden someone knocked on the door.


Rose was being particularly calm. I was truly impressed. An hour later she and Dimitri were still chatting and I was getting bored. Galina came over to me. We were both still out of their view. Galina usually didn't interact unless she needed work done. I nodded to her. "So I heard Rosemarie is pregnant." Oh... that. Again I nodded.

"Yes. She is. I was just waiting to see if it was a boy." I hadn't wanted her to scream at me If it wasn't a boy. "But if you must know there was an ultra sound yesterday. The doctor believes it's a boy but not one hundred percent yet." She pulled something small out of her pocket and slipped it into my hand. A key.

"Room 1416." She got within inches of my face. "Don't let this get messed up Nathan." She then walked away. Okay then. I stepped out of the shadows. I smiled when Ivashkov and Vasalisa took a step back. Rose looked up at me when I put my arm around her waist.

"Time's up." She turned and smiled at her friends. Ivashkov seemed a little paler than usual. He was staring at Rose like she was a ghost. Something passed between them . I pretended not to notice it. She nodded to him as I pulled her away.

"B-bye guys." She said.

"Bye Rose." Adrian said.

"What was that about?" I hissed once back in the elevator. Rose gave me a fake confused look.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said plainly. I rolled my eyes.

"The look you gave Ivashkov. I saw it." She swallowed.

"I-" She stopped. "Um..."

"Do not lie to me Rosie." She didn't speak. Whatever. She'd tell me later. We came to our floor and the first thing I noticed was Alexandra outside.

"What are you doing out here?" Rose asked her.

"Galina has some men packing up your stuff. They kicked me out." Rose groaned. I opened the door to the room slowly. Almost everything was gone already. When Galina had said that I could move I didn't think she meant right away. At least I didn't have to pack.

"Oh wow." Rose said in amazement as I opened the door to our new home.

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