Chapter Fifteen

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We'd been at the mall for four hours. Alexandra's eyes were beginning to droop. Nathan stood at the counter, having a long conversation with the store clerk. He'd paid over thirty minutes ago. "Momma," Alexa whispered, leaning against my leg. If it hadn't been for the pregnancy thing I would've held her. Nathan finally walked back over.

"She's about to drop." I told him setting a steady hand on Alexa's shoulder. He gave her a onceover and sighed.

"We're done here anyway." Nathan picked her up making me raise an eyebrow. Alexa didn't notice though. She rested her head on his shoulder and was out in minutes. He slid her into the backseat of the car. She rested her head against the window. Nathan started driving. But we weren't going home.

"Where are we going?" I asked, getting slightly nervous. He kept his eyes on the road. "The airport. I need to pick someone up."

"Is this 'someone' a Strigoi?" A small smile formed in the corner of his lips.

"Her name is Tanya. You will be nice to her. And unless she speaks directly to you, don't say a word." The airport came into view. Alexandra was snoring. "Get in the back with her once we pull in." My mind was reeling. Why hadn't he told me about this earlier? Nathan stopped at the pick up area. Sighing I got out of the front seat and got in next to my daughter. Nathan got out at the same time and leaned against my door. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. Finally Nathan pushed himself off of the door and went into the arms of a tall blonde. They were the same height. She had a lot of luggage. He took it and put as much as he could fit in the trunk, before placing stuff by my feet and one on my lap. Tanya got in the passenger seat, barely glancing in my direction.

"It's been a long time Nate." She beamed.

"Yes it has." He seemed weary of her but she didn't notice.

"Is this the little pet you told me about Nate?" He nodded slowly. "I'm surprised you let It out of the house." It? IT? Who the hell did she think she was? Alex moaned very slightly and turned into my shoulder. The car was making her head worse.

"She is pregnant Tanya. Galina doeesn't want her to get sick. That was a lie and it made so sense whatsoever. Tanya leaned back in the chair.

"Right. Right. It's your child. I remember Max telling me." She sounded disgusted at the fact. She probably was. Nathan pulled onto the long stretch of empty road.

"How long are you in town?" He asked after an awkward silence. She shrugged.

"As long as Galina wante me. There weren't any specifics." He pulled onto the driveway and the large estate came into view.

"Has this place gotten bigger?" He smiled as he put the car in park. We opened our doors.

"Alexa," I whispered rubbing her back. Her eyes fluttered open. "We're back sweetheart." I reached over her and pushed open her door. Then I got out my side. Galina was shaking Tanya's hand.

"It's been a while. Hopefully this time wont be a repeat." Tanya's smile was tight. Fake. "I really do hope your more controlled."

"Taylor's taught me well, Galina." She responded thickly.

"It's been a while since I've last seen you, Tanya. The last time you had to be sent away." Tanya's smile was tight. "I really do hope you're controllable now."

"Nonetheless you need to earn my trust back. You're brother will be watching you." Nathan dropped a piece of her luggage.

"What?" Nathan and Tanya growled in unison. It was nice not to be the source of the arguing for once.

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