Chapter Fourteen

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Lisa had a girl. She was premature by two weeks but all in all she looked fine. It was unsanitary down here and it smelled greatly of blood. The baby lay curles in Christian's arms. Lisa slept with her head on Christians lap. It would've made a nice picture. Looking at the child I knew that we had to get out of here. I was surprised that they hadn't killed us yet.

I stood up and walked over to Dimitri. He sat in the same spot as always, staring at Lisa, or beyond her... It was hard to tell.

"Dimitri?" He looked up at me and seemed to read my thoughts. We nodded.

"Do you have nay plans?" He asked. His voice wasn't his.

"I would've thought you would." Dimitri sighed.

"Under one condition." A condition? I knew he wanted to get out. I knew he wanted to protect Lisa. What could the Big Bad Russian need so desperately?

"Shoot." I said, looking back to make sure no Stirogi were luking around the entrance.

"Under no circumstance does Rose get left behind." That I could do.


"We need to talk." He really needed to bother me? Now?

"Then talk." I rested my arm on top of my stomach and leaned against a tree. Adrian seemed nervous and it was kind of starting to bother me. He shuffled his feet.

"When are you due?" I just stared at him. "I'm serious." I thought about the date. Alexandra had come home two days ago after being in the hospital for over a month. The doctor insisted on there being someone with her, like a bed nurse. So Nathan had got the doctor that had helped me with giving birth to Alexandra. Nathan said she'd help deliver my son as well.

"A week." Was that right? I reread the dates in my mind. Yup that sounded right.

"That's it?" I nodded.

"What's going on Adrian?" Blackness. He actually ended the dream on me! I woke up in my bed curled up in Nathan's arms. One of his hands was rubbing my stomach. His face was buried in my hair.

"Morning Rosie." Nathan whispered kissing my neck. He snickered when I moaned. It had been over a month since he'd bitten me. He let go of me and stood up heading into the bathroom. I got up as well but went over to Alexandra's room instead. Her hair was sprawled in every one direction and her mouth was slightly open. The doctor sat in a chair in the corner reading a magazine.

"hello Rose." She said smiling. I smiled back.

"Hi." I felt bad I couldn't remember her name. She didn't seem to mind, or notice, though.

"Mamma?" I sat down next to her and kissed her forehead.

"Hey sweetheart. Sleep well?" She nodded slowly. I helped her to sit up. "Would you like something to eat?" Again she nodded. "Cereal?"

"Pizza!" Yesterday we'd had Pizza for dinner. Nathan had ordered it for us. There were leftovers.

"You sure?" She smiled.

"PLEEEEAAASE Mamma!" I sighed.

"Give me a second." I headed out to the kitchen, grabbed a slice of plain cheese and headed back. She ate it happily.

"Rosie!" Nathan called.

"Yes?" I said shutting the door.

"We're going shopping." Baby stuff. "Get her dressed." He walked up to the loft, which he'd converted, into his own office. Alexandra wasn't suppose to leave the apartment. Did he care? Nope.

"Honey get dressed." I called through the door before going back into my room and pulling out jeans and a sweatshirt. Snow fell. There was at least two feet on the ground. Christmas was only two weeks away. I walked out the same time Alexandra did. She wore a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt with a winter jacket on. Her cute furry boots were on. I took her hand and lead her into the freezing cold hallway Where Nathan stood. Within five minutes we were in his Mercedes and on our way to the mall.


Most thought I was the leader. They followed me blindly. However, they were wrong. I took orders from someone else. Someone that no one would ever suspect. "What are you planning on doing after the child is born? You are going to have Rosemarie raise him aren't you?" He asked. No one took him seriously and that was why I was his face. He sat in front of me eyeing my every move.

"We need Rose to know how to fight. It's been years. The longer she stays a bloodwhore the more incompetent she becomes. We need her skills. If she stays with the child, he'll be more influenced by her opinions." My boss sighed.

"We don't need her." I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, she's an excellent guardian. But don't the damphirs are lowering in numbers while we gain more. We don't need her... at the moment. Eventually she will be changed. She'll join our higher numbers along with her son when the time is right. I need Nathan working, not being a house mom."

"But her influence-"

"Compel her."

"I can't touch her."

"And why the hell not?" I'd offended him.

"Her child... got close enough to compel me." I said carefully. He narrowed his eyes.

"I'll do it then." He said carefully. He must not of been in the mood to yell.

"Do you like her?" I asked coolly. I could see it on his face. Whenever we spoke of Rosemarie, which was often, his face flushed. It was rare for a Strigoi.

"I do not Galina." I stood up and rubbed his shoulders.

"You are so much like your father; strong, powerful... in love." I felt the vibrations of his growl.

"Love is a stupid word. No one actually loves anyone. It was just made to hurt others." I kissed his head and ruffled his brown hair.

"Just relax. In time you'll get what you want. I swear to it." He laughed.

"I would hope so. My father left this position to me. I wouldn't want to let him down."

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