Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up to sound of squeaking metal. Galina stood outside of the cell while her "minions" opened the door. I scrambled to the back of the room as one grabbed Dimitri. He tried to struggle but it had been so long since we'd gotten any kind of real meal that it was useful. He glared menacingly at Galina."What do you want?" Dimitri spat. Galina smiled and rested her hands behind her back.

"We're going to have a little chat my young protégé" The minion didn't shut the door. Instead he stood against it waiting for orders. Galina turned to the darkness. "Any of these the one you're looking for?" The first thing I saw her the red eyes, before a woman's tall thin body emerged from the darkness. His blond hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. She made eye contact which each and every one of us before smiling. Chills raced down my spine.

"Oh yes," She said laughing. "That one." She was pointing at Lisa. Lisa's eyes widened a bit, but sensing a problem she handed her daughter over to Christian. Galina looked over at her, her smile vanishing. She pursed her lips and sighed.

"Vasalisa Dragmoir," Galina growled. "You and Rosemarie are Shadokissed." Whatever was going on wasn't good. "Tanya, would you grab Vasalisa and follow us upstairs." They walked away, Dimitri continued to struggle while Lisa scratched at Tanya. Tanya slapped her across the face. Christian stiffened.

"Knock it off." She hissed before grabbing her blond hair and pulled her into the darkness.

"What just happened?" Eddie asked once they had gone. I was getting a bad feeling.


I was sound asleep when Nathan yanked me up by the hair. I cried out. The lights were on in the bedroom. "What's wrong Nathan?" I hissed quietly. He shook me. He threw me against the bedboard. If this was some kind of new kinky thing he was into, I didn't like it. I rubbed my eyes. The nightstand read 1:30. He should've been asleep. He was pacing the room.

"What's wrong?"

"You." He said pointing a finger. "You are Shadow Kissed with Vasalisa are you not?" My blood went cold. How... there was no possible way for him to know that. "You've lied this whole time." He laughed. "I mean who could blame you really. Galina would've tortured you to death. But now," He narrowed his eyes. "Now, we know why your daughter survived that fever, which is normal by the way I never told you that. Unfortunatly that won't make up for what you did. You see Rosie, we've got what we needed from you." I was still trying to wake up. What was going on? "There's the Dragmoir Queen," Wait. Queen? Lisa had taken over? Sonofa-"And the most powerful weapon in the world." We both looked over at sleeping Luka. I gulped. Without warning Nathan grabbed me by the neck. "I want you to go into her mind Rosie and tell me what you see." He said speaking through gritted teeth. I shook my head. Tears were falling down my cheeks.

"I-I can't." I whispered. "I can't." Nathan's face was inches from mine.

"Rosie!" I couldn't do it. "I want you to see all the pain your boyfriends going through. All. Because. Of. You." He hissed in my ear so violently. "Do you want to become a Strigoi Rose? Because that's what's coming to you." He threw my neck to the side as he bit down. I caught a glimpse of Max in the doorway as the endorphins spread through my body and I slacked in his grip. I expected him to stop but he didn't. Instead, he drank...and drank...and drank.

AHPOV (30 minutes earlier)

The moment papa went to bed I snuck out of the house. I'd grabbed his keys off of the counter and headed down the steps. I had to find Adrian. I had to. I went down to the basement and came to a thick metal door with a key pad. The third key on papa's ring worked. I slipped in and walked down the long corridor trying to listen for any approaching footsteps. I came to rows and rows of dirty cells. Most were empty but some... some had humans, skinny and gamely with old ratted clothes and matted hair. A light rested on every cell and I stayed back in the shadows as to not get attention. If they saw me I don't know what they'd do. I passed ten more empty cells and then... Adrian. The real Adrian. He was sitting next to some other guy who was blond and another guy whispering. The blonde guy was holding a little girl.

"They're going to kill her." The blonde guy said. He wasn't very good at whispering I guessed.

"They won't Christian."

"How the hell do you know?" Christian cried clinging to the child.

"A-Adrian?" I walked into the open and touched the bar with my hand. It was cold. Adrian shot up off of the floor.

"Alexa? What are you doing here?" I didn't answer. Instead I started trying each key. There were maybe ten different ones. "Kid-"

"This is Alexa?" The other boy stood up. The last key turned and I opened the door. I handed Adrian a cell phone.

"This is Tanya's." Adrian just stared at me. The other boy took the phone and touched the home screen.

"Alexa, what are you doing here."

"Getting you out."

"Does your mom know?"

"If my mom knew I wouldn't be here." I looked into the shadows as if expecting someone to jump out. "We should go. It's dangerous down here."

"We need to find Lisa and Dimitri." Christian announced. Adrian nodded.

"They went left." As we headed down the corridor the other boy spoke up.

"Yes-this is Eddie Castile, Vasalisa's guardian. Yes-yes I know." He went on explaining the situation. He said how Vasalisa had been taken from them along with Dimitri Belikov. He put the phone to his chest. "Alexa do you when where we are? The address?" I bit my lip.

"Um... The street is Vokla Court... that's all I know, sorry." He repeated what I said and continued to nod.

"Thanks." He hung up and sighed. "They know where it is but it'll be at least another hour until they can show up. Their entire team was killed last night. He said and I quote "We're calling the Russins." So that's where Papa had gone. Adrian swore.

"That's way too damn long." We turned left down another hallway and that's when the screams started and froze.


"You are a lethal one aren't you?" I said calmly to Tanya. She smiled.

"Only when I want to be." Max paced behind me. I could hear his footsteps, angry, angry footsteps.

"He's going to change her you now that. I just saw him." Tanya and I turned to look at him. "I guarantee by the time we go upstairs she's going to be in a comatose state." Vasalisa's eyes bugged out. She was gagged, having been making too much noise.

"You're talking about Rosemarie." It wasn't a question. Max snorted and continued pacing. "This pushed him over the edge." I rolled my eyes.

"What's the problem Max?" He shook his head and ruffled his hair.

"This is not how I wanted this to go down." He muttered. I watched as Tanya kept eye contact with Vasalisa, her eyes narrowd and her knees somewhat bent. It was almost like she was preparing for a hunt. Max growled and shook his head.

"What are we going to do with her?" Tanya asked. I looked over at Dimitri. He was pulling against the chains binding him to the pole. I yanked his hair back and sniffed his neck. His pulse quickened.

"Put her in the electric chair." Max muttered with a wave of his hand. Tanya was the only one that knew Max was really in charge. She clung to him like static on a dress and Max had a hard time pretending he didn't like it. He just seemed to ignore her in public. "If he won't speak, torture his charge."

"She's not my charge and she has nothing to do with this!" Dimitri yelled. I patted his cheek.

"Oh Dimitri, everyone has to do with this." Tanya picked up a kicking and gagged-screaming queen and set her in the metal chair. She strapped her arms and legs down and then her head.

"Remove her gag." Max added. "I want to hear her scream." He flipped open a red box. There was a slight buzzing.

"Answer me Dimitri. How do we get into the Capital?" He spat in my face. I waved at Max and he flipped the switch.

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