Chapter Nine

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Last night went by fast. Nathan ended up ripping off my clothes. He made me put on sexy lingerie, abused my body, and drank my blood. I fell asleep in his arms for a short nap and Adrian was there. "What the hell?" I was impressed he'd finally decided to talk to me. "You led us into a trap?" I looked away.

"They threatened my daughters life Adrian. I didn't have a choice." I cried out as two new marks formed on my neck. I dropped to the ground, my brain clouding. We were at the ski lodge. I was covered in snow. Adrian ran to me. I rested my head on his lap. I could feel the blood dripping down my neck. Nathan was drinking while I was asleep.

"Nathan's really possessive, huh?" I nodded slightly.

"What gave it away?" I asked hoarsely. "The growling or the groping?" Adrian didn't respond.

"At least he isn't selling you." I shrugged.

"Strigoi are possessive of their food." I whispered. The headache was getting worse. "How's everyone?" I asked sincerely. Adrian was quiet for a few minutes.

"Lissa's confused, Christian's pissed, Eddie's antisocial, and Dimitri... He's... Honestly he's not doing so well. He's been staring at a wall for the past hour." Adrian sighed. "I talked to Alexa... and yes I know you know that I talk to her. She told me." It really pissed me off that he could talk to my daughter but I couldn't. Normally yelling at him would be my choice of action but at the moment I was too busy being comfortable. "She said she was with someone named Max." My poor kid. "Does Dimitri know her Rose?" A change in subject. He was talking about Galina. I shrugged.

"How would I now?"

"You were dating him." I shrugged yet again. There wasn't much that I knew about Dimitri's childhood except for the fact that his father had hurt him and his family.

"Well I don't-" The dream ended abruptly. Nathan was shaking me.

"Rose! Rosemarie! Get up!" I moaned and in response got a hard slap across the face. My eyes shot open. I could feel the blood on my neck. I blinked several times. "Thanks for joining us." Wait, us? The endorphins were still in my system making my sight blurry. Then my eyes landed on Galina. Alexandra was behind her, huddled in the corner of the room by the door. Something had happened. She was crying hard.

"Who hit her!" I hissed trying to sit up. I fell back onto the pillows. Both Galina and Nathan ignored me.

"Tell us about Dimitri?" Really? This again?

"What's there to tell?" I rubbed my eyes. Nathan yanked my hair back.

"As Nathan has informed me you offered your own life for Dimitri's five or so years ago. You must've known him." I clenched my jaw. Shit. Double shit.

"He was just another hot guardian from the academy." Galina laughed and it was sickening.

"Obviously Dimitri has good looks. Now answer the question." Her voice turned menacing. I growled in frustration. Nathan whipped my head back again. Before I knew what was happening he was carrying me bridal style to the bathroom.

"Nathan what are you doing?" Galina asked as he dropped me in the tub/shower. I thrashed but he held me down.

"Waking her up." He turned on the shower, the water freezing cold. I screamed. Nathan walked away making me turn it off myself. I grabbed a white towel off of the rack and walked back out on wobbly legs. Galina was smiling. My head was seriously spinning.

"Answer the question now Rose." I told them part of it.

"He was my mentor." Galina rubbed her forehead.

"And what?" She said exasperated. "I was his mentor! That doesn't mean anything Rosemarie. Now answer the god damn question!" I felt the power in her words. She was compelling me. For the first time she was actually compelling me!

"W-We were dating each other." The words were out of my mouth in seconds. I couldn't hold it in. Alexandra had noticed. Her tears had disappeared and she looked furious. She'd obviously gotten my anger issues. I shot her a look. I wasn't sure if she'd seen it or not. Galina didn't seem surprised. Of course she wasn't. They both turned to leave but I stopped them.

"What about that promise you made me Nathan." I asked, my voice hoarse. He didn't turn around but he didn't speak either. "You promised to leave him alone if I'd come with you. What happened to that?" When Nathan spoke his voice was cruel as if he were about to rip someone's throat out.

"Who said I was going to hurt him. That's not my job." My blood went cold. He was twisting his words around! Alexandra noticed my anger. As Nathan and Galina were leaving I ran over and yanked her arms down making her drop a clothes hanger that had been sitting on a chair.

"Knock it off!" I hissed in her ear. Nathan whipped back around hearing the noise.


It was too depressing down here. Christian was continuously throwing fireballs at the rock wall. Thank God nothing was really flammable here. Lisa was rubbing her stomach. Dimitri was leaning against the bars with his knees pressed up to his chest and his hands in his hair. Eddie was trying to comfort Lisa.

"They were holding Alexandra captive." I said. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Who's Alexandra?" Lisa snapped.

"Rose's daughter!" She should know this. "I just talked to Rose." Lisa shut her eyes.

"All Rose ever does is think about herself. She's been my best friend through everything and she took advantage of that. She's self-conceited and-" Dimitri jumped up.

"SHUT UP VASALISA! SHUT THE HELL UP!" okay... mad Russian. "She was taken because she jumped in front of me during the raid and offered to go with them! It was my fault. She did what she did because she has a daughter to think about! We've had a life. Her daughter hasn't so just shut the hell UP!" Dimitri broke down. I'd never seen him loose it before. His accent grew thicker with every word. With every word he got angrier. It actually got scary at one point.

"Dimitri's right." Eddie said. Lisa was fuming.

"What about my UNBBORN child. You guys thinking about THAT!"

"I trust Rose to do the right thing." I said.

"Me too." Christian growled still chucking the fireballs at the wall.

"Me three?" Dimitri said.

"Me four." Eddie stepped away from Lisa.

"What's all this commotion about?" A new voice piped in.


"Knock it off!" Rose hissed at her daughter! I turned around in time to see a hanger I'd left on a chair earlier hit the floor. Rose was holding Alexandra's arms down. What the fuck?

"Galina, I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes." For a moment I actually assumed that she'd say no but she just shrugged and walked out the front door. Slowly I walked over and picked the hanger up. Rose's face had gone extremely pale. What was going on? I sat on the edge of the bed. "Care to explain?" I couldn't believe that my anger was still in check. "Rose!"

"Leave mamma alone!" Rose went Rigid. She clamped a hand over Alexandra's mouth. Obviously the damage was already done. I shoved Rose out of the way and picked Alexandra up by the hem of the shirt.

"Does THE CHILD have something she'd like to say?" I spoke through gritted teeth. Then she spit in my face. Without thinking I threw her at the wall. There was a crack as she made contact with the paneling. Her eyes fluttered shut. Rose was at her side in a second. Tears filled her eyes. What had I done?


Her breathing was labored. There was a wound on the back of her head. Blood covered my hand. I had seen this coming. Nathan looked shocked. "Do you have a first aid kit?" He was staring at his hand. "Nathan? I asked if you had a first aid kit." I was frantic. He disappeared and reappeared with a small box in seconds. He tossed it to me. Carefully I wrapped her head with the gauze. I picked her up carefully and cradled her in my arms. I grabbed the blankets off of her bed. Nathan rested a hand on my shoulder. I jerked back. "S-stay away from me." He tilted his head. He left, slamming the door shut as he went. I had to wake her up.

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