Chapter Sixteen

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Summer's POV

I waited behind the buffet table, waiting for my Freddy. I mean, I didn't tell him to be my dance date, but he's my boyfriend, of course he'd go out with me!

Also, why am I just waiting behind the table instead of using my phone? Bet. I don't wanna lose.

"Summer!" Mr. Finn said gesturing me to go to him and Zack, who was standing next to him. For a strange reason Zack's face was red. I walked to Mr. Finn and Zack. "How 'bout y'all dance together." Mr. Finn said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm waiting for-" "Oh come on!" Mr. Finn said as he pushed us together. "No, really I-" Mr. Finn pushed us closer. Zack turned red, and I also randomly turned red.

"No, ple-" A slow song started to play. Mr. Finn pushed us once more, then he walked out and to the buffet table. "So, wanna dance?" Zack asked as he scratched the back of his head. "I have no choice." I stated.

He nodded and put his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck and we started dancing. We danced and danced and danced. I don't know if it's magic or not, but I feel like laying my head on his chest.

We continued dancing... Until it was just like, the two of us. No one else was surrounding us, no one to ruin the moment. It was sparkly and shiny. Everyone was gone. Me and Zack just around a sparkly, shiny outer space.












He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back. Everything was perfect...

Wait. I'm kissing Zack!!

I pushed him off. "What was that?!" I asked. "My life is supposed to be perfect! But not with you! With Freddy!" I
screamed. "Summer, you didn't get his text?" Zack asked.

Text what text?! "What text?!" I asked. "Wait, you di-" "Tell me what he texted!" I screamed pulling his collar, choking him.

"H-he brok-e up with y-yo-u yes-yesterday to be wi-th Tomik-Tomik-a!" He said, I let go of his collar. Freddy what? "He what?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"Check your phone." Zack said and pointed to my phone on my hand. I turned it on to see three texts from Freddy.

I looked at Zack, tears falling out of my eyes. I looked at my phone and tapped on the first text.

'Summer, I'm breaking up with you.'

I read it all over again. You can't. You just can't.

Zack's POV

For the best or for the worst I took out my phone and showed Summer the two texts I received from Tomika.

'Zack, I'm breaking up with you, it's just, I'm in love with Freddy. Sorry.'

'Kay. What about Summer?'

'Zack, Fred texted me. He said Summer didn't reply yet but she's probably okay because he said he just saw her a while ago at the mall smiling and waving.'

Summer turned around and ran away crying. "Summer!" I was about to run after her until a hand took me by my wrist. I turned around to see Lawrence with a calm face.

"Let her go." He said. I nodded. He let go and walked off. I walked to a seat and sat. Urghhhh! I plastered my head on the table.

She didn't know. Why did I tell her and break her heart?!

Summer's POV

HE BROKE UP WITH ME! With me! Me! For Tomika! I walked in my house reading the second text.

'Hope you understand, I'm just in love with Tomika. I love you Sum, but as a sister.'

Even though I just newly wiped my tears, I was in the vetge of crying again, "Haha! Sum you lost the-" "Shut up I don't care!" I screamed.

Chris stopped talking. "I hate this stupid bet! Have your money!" I screamed as I threw my wallet at them.

I ran to my room crying. Why does my life suck?!

Sue's POV

"SUMSY!" Crimson shouted and ran up the stairs. I took his wrist. He looked at me. "Let her go." I said and removed my hand from his wrist.

He walked down the stairs and sat on the couch.

What's wrong with Summer?

Summer's POV

'Sum, your so understanding. Hi! I can see you waving and smiling. I knew you didn't care if I was in love with Tomika.'

The text read. I threw my phone across the room, it shattered and I put my pillow on my face.


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