"5, 6, 7, 8..."

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"Gray can you take Julia and me to the ice cream shop?" I asked him at the lockers.
"Sorry ladies but I have practise today." He said.
"Ugh. Fine maybe next time." I said.
"Okay I'm leaving don't miss me pretty ladies." He said and quickly pecked my lips before jogging away.
"What do we do now?" I asked her.
"I'm going to miss my little pumpkin so much." Julia frowned.
"I know you are." I said.
"I just wanna be with him and cheer him on. Make sure he sleeps properly and has a good meal before his game. He always forgets to floss too and I won't be there to remind him." She was getting sad.
I rubbed her back, "it's okay, we can do stuff together to take our minds off of them." I told her.
She looked at me and moved my hand, "Soph you know I only give my body to Ethan." She said.
"What?" It took a minute for me to get it.
"Oh ew! I didn't mean it like that you idiot. I meant like we can go to the movies or have sleepovers." I told her.
"Oh okay good." She said.
"And ew. I don't need to know you give your body out to Ethan." I shivered.
She smirked, "He's really good with his hands."
I covered my ear, "la la la la la la"
I bumped into the door that just happened to open as I was going to pass it. "Oof."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." The blonde girl said in a cheerleader uniform.
"It's okay." I told her.
"Are you girls trying out for the cheerleaders positions?" She asked
"Cheerleaders?" Julia questioned.
"Yeah we need two spots because Becky moved and Tasha got an injury. We need it before the boys game next Friday as we have or girl cheer competition." She spoke.
"Wait so you guys are going with the football team to the game?" Julia said and she nodded.
Julia looked at me, "let's go we can be with our boyfriends." She said.
"I can't cheer though." I told her.
"Come on!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the gym.
"Oh boy." I said.
We walked in and there were already a few girls there. The head of the cheerleader captain was there and saw me. I turned around and began to walk away, " nope nope nope I can't do this". Julia grabbed my hand and looked at me, "why not?"

I pointed to the captain, "That's Debby with a y, and that's Tiana. Half of these girls on the team Gray slept with. They probably don't like me because I'm his girlfriend." I told her.

She rolled her eyes, "they are hookups cutie, it's not like they were in relationships." She told me.

"Fine." I said and we went in.

"Okay so girls,  we are going to be showing you a simple routine and then it'll be your turn to show us what you have learned by the end of our audition. Remember girls theres only one audition and they get posted tomorrow. We don't have much time left before the game." Debby said.

I glanced at Julia as she didn't look nervous at all.

We watched the team do their routine as I tried to remember. "Mhmm, okay, okay, got that, wait what was that? Oh no." I mumbled to myself.

"Okay girls! Show us what you got!" She said as 40 mins went by.

We all got up from the benches and went to where the team was before.

"5, 6, 7, 8.." Debby counted as the music went on.

I began to try moving my hips and hands how they were doing it. I glanced beside Julia and she got everything spot on.
I was doing fine till the ending where I messed up seeing all the girls on the ground as I was left standing up clueless.

"Oops." I said as Julia looked at me shaking her head.

"You." Debby said making me shoot my head to her.

"Me?" I asked.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Sophia Blake." I told her.

"Your Grayson's girlfriend yeah?" She asked.

I gulped and looked at Julia.

"Yes." I told her.

"Cool." She said.

"Alright girls again from the top!" She said and we went on.

We did it for a while and I began to sweat. I wanna go home and watch Netflix while eating pizza cuddling Gray. What am I doing here?

"Alright girls it's all done! We have idea's of who we want on our team and will text you girls because theres no point making a list for 2 people. That was good girls!" Tiana said and everyone walked out.

"I failed that..." I told Julia.

"I think I did good!" She cheered and was doing the routine as we were walking out.

I went to the football field seeing Gray packing up. He saw me and smiled.

"You're still here?" He asked.

"Yeah I wanted to wait for my boyfriend" I lied.

"Aw such a sweet girlfriend." He ruffled my hair.

"Watch it Bailey." I told him and gave him a hug.

"Why are you sweating?" He asked me.

"I'm out of shape that's why." I told him and he shook his head.

"Let's go."

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