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Grayson's POV:
"Okay guys so everything seems to be going on track right now. Our big day is coming up and I know we got this. Don't let me down boys." Coach said.

"We won't coach." Jacob said.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

He look at me but looked away.

"Coach are you crying?" Cameron asked him.

"No you guys stink. Go hit the showers!" He blew his whistle.

We went to the change room and I began to take off my gear.

"Grayso—" Jacob came beside me.

"Shut up." I said walking to the showers and going under the water.

I began cleaned myself and wrapped my towel around my waist going back.
I stayed shirtless but put on some shorts.

I checked my phone and no texts from Soph. Weird.

I clicked facetime and it was loading.
It was going for a while but no answer.
She's probably busy doing homework or something.

I was walking back into the elevator to go to my floor.

I got in and the doors were about to close until Tiana hurried in.

"Oopsies" she said and I held the elevator door.

She presses her button and I awkwardly stood there.

"Wow Gray forgot how sexy you look with no clothes on." She commented.

I just cleared my throat. She was in some shorts with a bikini top.

"I've been wanting to talk to you for a while. Why haven't you been answering my calls?" She asked.

"Cause I have a girl." I told her.

"So? Does that mean we can't talk?"

I didn't say anything.

"It's about us." She said coming a little closer to me.

"Back off Tiana. I don't have time for this." I sternly said.

She backed off, "Damn she got you all strict now."

I ignored her.

She stopped the elevator.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Where's that Grayson that loved to have his hands on my body." She said coming closer.

"That Grayson that loved it when I sucked his big..." She ran her hands down my chest going lower until I grabbed her hand.

"That's enough Tiana."

I opened the elevator and walked out.

"Grayson I need to tell you something." She said.

"Whatever." I said ignoring her and walking into my room.

She walks in with me.

"Grayson just let me talk."

"5 minutes and then leave." I spoke sitting on my bed as she stood in front of my door.

"I know what we had wasn't just a hook up. Usually your hook-ups last one time. We were going at it for weeks. We did things you never did with another girl before. I'm special to you." She smiled saying that.

"What the fuck..." I was confused.

"Sophia isn't the right girl for you."

"Ti is this some sort of joke?" I asked her.

She stood in between my legs.

"We were never a thing." I told her.

She slowly sat down on my lap.

"Stop me." She said as she ran her hands around my body.

She started to kiss on my neck sucking my skin as I groaned hesitating.

"Mmm baby you miss this." She said as she pressed herself against me.

"She doesn't make you feel good as I do." She said kissing my jaw.

I clenched my jaw getting distracted.

The thought of Soph came into my mind and I snapped out of it.

"No." I said and stood up stepping away from her.

She looked at me.

"I'm with Soph. She's my girlfriend."

"Get out. Right now." I said to her.


"Get out Tiana."

"Ugh" she said and walked out.

"Fuck!" I said and punched the closest thing to me.

I always fuck up!

What am I supposed to do?

My baby's gonna be so hurt.

It's not that bad right? I didnt like kiss her or have sex with her? She just came onto me. Soph will understand right?

Sophia's POV:

"Girl wake up!" Julia tossed a pillow at me.

"Hm? What? What time is it?" I said shooting my head up.

"Way past the usual time you get up." She said.

Where am I?

Oh yeah here to see Grayson.

"Where's Gray!?" I said getting up excited.

"Clean yourself and I'll give you his room." She said.

I took a shower and put on some shorts with Grayson's sweater.

"Tell me now please?"

"Okay munchkin. Room 205"

I thanked her and went to look for his room.

This is gonna be so good.

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