"Baby sh..."

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"Morning sexy." I said as I was out my house holding my bag seeing Gray. 

He smiled at me putting on his sunglasses. 

I was walking towards his car and he blocked my way. 

"What are you doing?" He said looking down at me. 

"Getting in the car duh." I said. 

He chuckled, "That's not the plan remember." 

I scrunched my face forgetting about the plan. 

"How am I supposed to get to school? My parents are too busy." 

"Ethan and Julia already left." He said. 

"What do I do? I'm going to be late if I walk." I said. 

He smirked and I raised my eyebrow, "What?" 

He pointed behind me and I looked seeing the bus. 

"Ugh! This plan better end soon!" I said running to the bus as it was about to leave. 

I reached school after a while and wasn't late. 

I saw Grayson's car already parked and I went inside. 

I saw Grayson talking to his friends and there were some girls around him. 

I rolled my eyes. Now that everyone knows we broke up they are going all over him. 

Last Night...

"You guys should like subtweet each other on twitter to make people realize that you guys are fighting or broken up." Julia said.

"That's a good idea." Gray said and grabbed his phone. 

"Um, I'm not really the subtweet type of girl..." I said. 

"I know. All you're tweets are about food." Julia said and I just shrugged. 

"Here, lemme do it for you." Julia said taking my phone. 

"Done." Grayson said locking his phone. 

"What did you tweet?" I asked him. 

He smirked, "I don't know." 

I grabbed his phone and checked it, "Need to find a girl who can actually please me." 

My mouth opened wide as instictantly I smacked his chest. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" 

"Ow!" He rubbed his chest. 

"You're such a fuckboy, jerk, asshole manwhore!" I yelled in his face. 

"Baby sh..."He wrapped his hand around my waist. 

"This is to make it look bad so people believe. You know you please me a lot." He starts kissing my cheek. 

"Nah bitch. Pass me that phone." I grabbed it from Julia going onto my twitter. 

I smirked as I posted my tweet. 

Grayson checked his phone and read it, "When he only lasts 3 seconds just like our relationship." "Ouch." He said.

"That's right." I said. 

We noticed a lot of people retweeting or liking our tweets and some were even replying to us. To make our breakup offical I replied to one girl and tweeted, "@KittyPurr yes we broke up." 

"Now we watch how things go from here." Julia said. 

A lot of people looked at my direction and back at Gray and I rolled my eyes and walked the other directions. 

I began to go to my first period class and saw Tiana looking at me and quickly looked away.  

I just felt like punching her in the face. 

I grabbed a seat and waited for class to start. 

"Hey Sophia." Jacob said standing in front of my desk. 

"Um hi?" I looked at him confused. 

"Can I sit behind you?" He asked. 

"Uh Grayson sits there." 

"Oh I thought you guys broke up and wouldnt want your ex to sit behind you." He said. 

"Jake.. you know you're my ex too right?" I said. 

His smile dropped as he cleared his throat. 

"My bad for asking.." He started to turn around. 

"Wait." I saw Grayson walk in. 

"You can sit down." I told him. 

He smiled and sat down. 

I looked at Grayson and his face changed as he clenched his jaw looking at Jacob in his seat.

"Mr.Dolan have a seat now." Ms.Pooman said. 

Grayson walked to the other side sitting beside Tiana.

I rolled my eyes again but Tiana didn't even glance at Gray. 

Author's note:

I know I didn't update in forever. I'm sorry. 

Exams are starting and my school year will be done! Then I'll be updating more frequently. 

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