"Nice shoes."

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"Thank's for the ride Jacob." I said getting out.

"No problem, see you at school?" He said more like a question.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Okay, goodnight Sophia." He smiled showing his white teeth.

"Goodnight." I said as he drove off.

"Wait! Your jack—" I shut up once I realized he drove away.

Well I guess I'm keeping it for tonight.

I duck down making sure Grayson doesn't see me going into my house.

I walk in and see my parents eating dinner.

"Sophia..." My dad spoke sternly as I tried to sneak into my room.

"Yes father." I said looking at him.

"Where we you? It's passed your curfew." He said looking at his silver watch.

"Since when do I have a curfew?"

"Stop trying to change the topic." My mother added.

I sighed.

"Were you out with Grayson?" She asked.

"No, what makes you think that?" I questioned.

"From the football jacket." My dad answered.

"Oh, this is a friend of mines on the team." I said.

"A friend? Besides from Ethan and Grayson?" Dad asked.

"Mhmm his name is Jacob." I told them.

"Gilbert?" My mom asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"He's Grayson's friend, no?" She asked.

"Yeah that's how we met." I told them.

"Okay, next time let us know where you are and with who, or you're grounded." My father said.

"Okie, goodnight you two!" I said blowing kisses in the air and running to my room.

I shut my room door behind me as I shut my eyes leaning against the door breathing in and out.



I began to dance in my room and jump around like a maniac.

I then looked out my window and screamed.

Grayson was just watching me with a mad look on his face.

I pretended like I was on an elevator and ducked down from the window.

"Asjdk Sophia.." I heard muffles.

He called me Sophia which means he's mad.

I peeked my eyes and he hadn't moved.

I opened my window as he already had his opened.

"Yes?" I asked oblivious.

"Where the hell were you?" He asked me.

"And why didn't you answer any of my calls and texts?" His voice low and serious.

"I was busy."

"Busy? With what? And with who?" He asked.

"What's up with all the questions?" I asked.

"I was worried Sophia! You can't really think that I —" he stopped talking and just stared at me.

Fuckboy's BabygirlWhere stories live. Discover now