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Ava's POV:

Days have went on better than any I've had in such a long time. Having everyone around was so therapeutic. Being around them was instantly a good time, you just couldn't be upset. Sure I would still have my moments but they weren't near as bad as they would be without them. I was so thankful for Matty, without his warming smile and endless care I don't know where I'd be. Things that really topped this all off was how much they loved Caden. Each of them loved him like a little brother, it was the best. Darla was still trying to figure out where Cade was and convince me to just give him to her but I would never even think about it. Things are good were they were at.

Currently I was just sketching in bed next to Cade who was doodling as well. The house was oddly quiet which usual never happened but the boys were out in some studio according to Matty. They were about to drop their second EP and were all very hyped about it. Kelsey was out at the doctors because she thinks she fell ill. So it's been just Cade and I for the past few hours which was kind of comforting to just get some brother sister time.

Not too much later I heard the front door creaking open and a few coughs and sighs-so assumably it was Kelsey. I walked out to the living room area to see if I was right. She was already laying across the couch with her bag thrown on the floor, somewhat groaning as she squinted her eyes closed.

"Yikes, I guess the doctors wasn't any good was it?" I asked as I walked towards the kitchen to go ahead and start her some tea.

"I've come down with the flu, nothing too major I'm just a big baby when it comes to this stuff." She said, her voice sounding so congested.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm starting you a tea." She laughed some then said,

"This is why I love you Ave"

Once the tea finished, I walked over and handed it to her with a blanket and just sat watching whatever was on the TV. We sort of chatted some but she more complained about how much it sucked to be sick until my phone rang and so did hers. We both smiled at each other immediately knowing it was the boys. I quickly answered to hear some loud ruckus and then my favorite thick accent start to speak,

"Hey love! We did it! It's dropped!"

"Matty I'm so happy for you guys, this is massive!"

"Ross is having a major party for us to celebrate, get your cute self over here! I don't want you to miss this!"

"I-I'll have to see if I can figure something out, but just have a blast- you deserve it!" Of course I wanted to go so bad but I can't just up and leave like anyone else could.

"I'm sending you the address and just pop up when you can, got to run now love so I'll see you soon!" He hung up and I tucked my phone back away and sighed. Kelsey looked up at me and spoke up

"You ought to go. There's no way I'm making it so I could keep an eye of Cade. He's easy to care for, he really does his own thing."

"No I couldn't do that to you when your sick, you need rest" I didn't want to cause her any hassle at all and felt bad at the idea of leaving her again with him.

"Plus, you could keep an eye on G for me. Make sure he does nothing too dumb. It'd be good peace of mind for me." She said as she pulled the blanket above her shoulders.

"Well when you put it like that, how could I say no!" I laughed playfully as did she,

"Go on, get ready. Don't waste any time!" She said with a smile and making a shoo motion with her hands.

LostMyHead// Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now