If I Believe You

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Ava's POV:

The next morning felt strange. I woke up with a bad crick in my neck and alone on the couch. Falling asleep in the arms of someone who wasn't Matty felt so strange, regardless of everything- all the drugs, all the fights, all the tears- my heart still wanted things to be okay but the fact that they couldn't hurt on a new level.

As I was still laying on the uncomfortable couch with the sun beating in my eyes from the window, I could hear a muffled sound of yelling coming from a far room down the hall. It seemed too early for someone to be so upset but as I sat up to see the clock in the kitchen I saw it read "12:08pm". I immediately stood up and tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes as I realized how late it was. While I tried to tie my mess of a hair into a quick ponytail, I walked into the kitchen to get a quick glass of orange juice. My head somewhat ached from all the mess of yesterday and this feeling of disappointment just lingered and made my heart almost hurt as I remembered the way Matty looked before he absolutely tore my heart into thousands of pieces that were still just sitting heavy in the bottom of my stomach.

I didn't want to have to face myself in admitting how real this was, the whole thought of it made my headache throb. And this yelling was not helping anything, it seemed to be getting louder and louder- angrier and angrier. At this point it would have been hard not to listen. The voices of George and Kelsey were booming through the whole house. I leaned over the counter as I drank my orange juice, trying to catch what they could be screaming about. I thought George said she was out to her sister's for the weekend but all from that part of the night seemed to be too clouded from the pot.

"YOU SAID YOU WERE TAKING CARE OF MATTY. BUT I COME HOME TO YOU WRAPPED UP WITH AVA, GEORGE. YOU LIED TO ME," I heard Kelsey practically roar from the end of the hall. "I didn't lie to you! It's not even like that baby, listen to me!"George's voice echoed loudly but not nearly as loud as Kelsey's screams of anger.

A feeling of guilt quickly washed over me as I realized they were fighting over. She saw it, she saw us. Laying practically on top of each other as I would snore into his chest like I'm sure she was used to doing every night. Then to come home expecting find him waiting for you but to see him in the arms of another girl. I couldn't believe myself, the pain I must be causing her- how could I do that!? I forced her to endure what I have to endure with the idea of Matty with another girl but having her come home to George with another girl. It was nothing like that though but I'm sure it made no difference, it was still a horrible thing to do to someone I considered a friend.

"DON'T EVEN TRY THAT, YOU'RE ALWAYS WITH HER NOW. WHY DON'T YOU GO RUN TO HER NOW SINCE THAT SEEMS TO BE WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO." Kelsey's voice screamed out again breaking me from my thoughts. Before I could even blink, I heard the sound of a door slamming and it quickly was followed by stomping footsteps and the sound of soft cries. I felt so disgusting and horrible, it was revolting. It was even worse when I looked up to be faced with a heartbroken Kelsey standing on the other side of the counter. My mouth was slightly dropped in shock as I looked like a deer in the headlights as her heartbroken, sad face quickly changed into anger. My heart dropped in that same second before she even said anything, she didn't have to- but she did.

"I trusted you, you were my friend Ava! I didn't know the girl Matty invited to live with us was such a slut! You know, you can't just do whatever you want and expect everyone to feel bad because you have a dead mom- GET OVER YOURSELF!" By the end of her sentence she was full out screaming with angry tears pouring down her cheeks. Before I could even say anything back, she stormed out of the house only grabbing her keys off the table without another word.

LostMyHead// Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now