He's So.. Good

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Scarlet POV

          BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

       "Ughh! Stupid alarm clock! I hate waking up."

I unwilling get out of bed and turn off the alarm clock. I rubb my eyes and yawm while i strectch. I mutter a frustrated sigh. 

       "Time for school... yipee." I'm so happy! It's school time! Woo fucking hoo! I don't know if you've noticed but I DESPISE school. I mean, school is just another way of saying hell. It's so stupid. I hate it. But if I don't go my ass is on the line. Not that I care, but if my ass is on the line then so is Baby. Baby is my motorcylce aka the love of my ife. If I don't go to school they take Baby away. And no way in hell am I letting that happen. 

     I go to my computer chair to get my clothing (I always leave them there the night before when it's school time). I went to the chair and there was nothing on it. What the hell? That's not like me. I always put my clothes out the night before. Unless I was drunk and forgot.. but I wasn't drinking yesterday. The only other explaination is that... ITS THE FUCKING WEEKEND!

    Who was the fucking dimbleweed who set my alarm on the fucking weekend this damn early? Do they have a death wish? Fuck this shit.. if I get no sleep no one else in this damn house does. I put on the loudest pair of heels I have and walked downstairs. I went into the kitchen and picked up a spoon and a pan. I was about to bang on it when, Macy (our maid) came. 

    "Oh good, you're awake."

    "Yeah, I am. And I'm not fucking happy about it."

    "Scarlet Rose! Your language! I'm sorry Macy." I turned to see my mother wearing a black pencil skirt with a white, long-sleeved, button down top and black heels. Macy smiled at my mom and my mom smied back and waved her off letting her know she was dismissed. Macy bowed and exited the room. I cross my arms over my chest and squint my eyes. 

    "Mum, what the actual fuck am I-"

   "Young lady! Your language!" She crosses her arms as well and I roll my eyes. 

   "Why did you set my alarm. It's saturday."

   "Scarlet, I know this is short notice for you, but it was short notice for your father and I as well. We got a call last night informing us that the Enchanted Industry finally, after months of waiting, replied to us. They are intergued by your father and I's business offer. They want to discuss it with us. They are currently located in France so we have to go over there for a few weeks to discuss all the details. If all goes well, we could be potential business partners!"

    My mom's eyes were beaming with happiness and excitment.. disgusting. I still don't understand what that has to do with waking me up. I roll my eyes.

    "Okay, so more business which means more work which means less sleep. You're SOOO lucky," I stated sarcastically. Her eyes suddnely harden and she glared at me. I smirked, "so mum... what does your whole "more work, less sleep" thing have to do with me?"

    My mom's glare fell and her arms fell to her sides. She started looking around the room nervously.Then she looked up towards the stairs and down at the clock. She started fidegting. What the actual fuck? 

    "Mum, for today please." She finally looked at me and let out a breath I didn't know she was holding. She sighed.

    "Ugh, I wanted your father to tell you this. But I guess I have too. Basically, you have to come with us beca-"


    "Scarlet Lynn Rose! You watch your mouth young lady! The decision has been made and it is final! You're coming! You have too! They want to meet the whole family and sweetheart whether you like it or not. You are apart of this family."

    "I'm almost 18! Once I hit that age.. I'M OUT! I'm not fucking going mum! Thats my decision. It has been made.. and its final!"

    "WATCH YOUR MOUTH! Go upstairs and pack.. NOWWWW! I don't want to hear another word!"

    "Mum! I-"


    "Fuck you." I turn around and make my way upstairs, only to be stopped by my mothers voice.

   "Stop cursing! That is not appropiate for young ladies. Knock it off." I smirked and turned around, staring my mother straight in the eye. 

   "Bitch. Fuck. Shit. Cunt. Asshole. Dickwad. Fucktard. Slut. Whore. Squally. Thot. Jackas-"


I laughed and continued making my way upstairs. Once I reached my room, I walked in and locked the door behind me. I sigh. I go to my closet and pull out my suitcase. I open it and stare at the empty space. Fucking shit.... I'm going to France.


Hey guys!!! This is my first story ever! I'm really excited. So yeah, comment, like, vote and all that goodstuff. Tell me what you think and give me feedback. Kk, well thats all. Thanks for reading





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