Chapter 10

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Scarlet's POV

When I finally reached the old fashioned maroon door, I knocked on it and waited for him to open the door.  When I didn't get a response I knocked again.... and again... and again.... then i kicked it... and knocked again. What the heck? I guess no one's in there, so since no one is in there I doubt anyone would care if I barged in?

I turned the door knob (which was thankfully unlocked) and walked in. I took a seat by the computer and looked around. This whole room is so.... old. Wait, oops. Vintage. That's what Betty always says whenever I call something prehistoric. "It's not old Rosey! Its vintage! It's got historic value!"  I laugh to myself. I miss my Betty Boo. I wonder if she....


What the fuck was that? I look around and suddenly I see Colton walking out of a door in the back of the room. How did I not notice that? I stare at him and notice how stressed he looks. His hair is a mess, his eyes look tired, his tie is undone along with a few buttons on his shirt. He actually looks really cute. He looks like a hot man whose spent the whole day working and came back home exhausted. Maybe I should play the loving wife role and relax his muscles... if you know what I mean.

He ran a hand through his hair and mumbled something under his breath. I coughed and his eyes immediately looked straight into mine. I saw something flash in his eyes but it disappeared so quickly I couldn't tell what it was. We were just staring at each other. Ughh, this is so frustrating.

"Well you gonna say hi or not?"

Colton's POV 

I snapped out of my trance and blushed. I didn't realize we were just staring at each other. It's just I couldn't help myself.. she looks... so beautiful. She's in nothing but a loose crop top and sweats with trainers. She seems so chilled, its truly refreshing to see her like this. It amazes me how beautiful she looks when she's not even trying.

"Hello? Colton? Anyone there?"

"Oh... um sorry. I just.. umm.. sorry. Hi Scarlet. I.. uh.. it's just not my day."

"Ahhh.. I see... is Prince Colton's perfect life being tainted with flaw?"

I looked down at the floor and muttered "It's not perfect." And she laughed. She walked over to me and put her arms around my waist. I frooze but she just hugged me tighter. I slowly relaxed and let her hug me.... but I was still to nervous to hug her back. She let her head rest against my chest.

"Why so stressed Sugar Lips?"

I gulp and look down at her just to see her looking back up at me. I quickly avert my gaze to the wall. Should I tell her? I mean I really wanna tell someone. This just isn't healthy. I know something is wrong.. but this is just soo ridiculous. I need to tell someone, but what if they just brush me off or laugh? While deep in thought I didn't even notice Scarlet calling my name.

"Sugar Lips? Hey Sugar Lips!!! Colton??? Sugar Lips!!!!! Earth to Sugar Lips? OH MY GOSH! COLTON!!"

"Huh? Wait.. what? Oh sorry. I was just thinking."

"Yeah... okay... umm, are you okay Sugar Lips."

"Yeah, fine."

"You wouldn't lie to me would ya?"


"Colton... you wouldn't lie to me.... Right?"

"I.. uhhh.. I... ievehightares"

"You what?"

"I uhh.. ievhightares?"

"High what? Colton! Speak the fuck up!!!"

"Nightmares! Jesus Scarlet... I have nightmares. Happy now?"

I remove her arms from around my waist and take a seat on the couch. I cover my face with my hands. I'm so embarrassed. She must think I'm so pathetic. I hear walking and feel movement on the couch. I feel her hand on mine, removing them from my face. She forces me to look at her. She looks deeply into my eyes and I begin to get nervous but I don't look away.

Next thing I know, her lips crash into mine. My eyes widen in shock but I soon kiss back and wrap my arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. She sits on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. The kiss starts to get intense. I feel her hands go up my shirt and thats when I slow down a bit. She notices and pulls away. We both begin to breathe heavily. She leans her forehead against mine. I close my eyes. I love this.... and I have no idea why. I love this so much it scares me. I slowly open my eyes to see her looking at me. She smiles and pecks my lips.

"Mmmm... sweet. Yummy, Sugar Lips."

I laugh at her comment and she laughs along with me. But then she stops and gets serious.

"Colton.... do you wanna talk about it?"

"About what?"

She gives me a look and I realize she means the nightmares. I shake my head no and she nods. I really don't wanna relive the only thing that scares me more than the uncertainty of life. This nightmare, this one repeating nightmare, has been haunting me since I was a child. Every night it comes to me. Some nights are worse than others. I refuse to relive them during my only time of peace. The only time when I'm not within the dreams. The only time when I feel slightly safe. When I'm awake.


Hey guyssss! So like I said before, I have just been winging everything so far. But now I think I have a plan on  how to connect everything. So I'm kinda excited. As the story continues don't forget (lol demi lovato.) :

1. Colton's nightmares

2. Julie's drunken night.

3. The man throwing rocks.

And here's a hint.. Number one has nothing to do with number 2 or 3. But it will make sense later on I swear.

So yup thats it for now! Until next time! Comment. Like. Follow! Love ya lots



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