Chapter 12

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Julie's POV

I was sitting down at the cafe, casually drink my coffee while scrolling through my twitter notifications on my phone. I was waiting for Colton. He was suppose to get here 5 minutes ago but he got distracted in his research and lost track of time. I would be mad but he's just so darn cute, I can't wait to see him.

I'm so worried. I never want him to leave my sight. Who knows what would happen if I wasn't always there to watch him. I mean yes I was at the library watching him work. Why wouldn't I be? It's not because I'm obsessed with him or anything.... Well I sort of am but I have a good reason to watch him. That... thing... is out there and even though it claims to only want Scarlet, who knows. He might be after Colton too since they know each other. UGHHHH! This is so frustrating. I need to come up with a plan to get her out of the house! And I need to come up with it quickly before it's too late.

While I was deep in my thoughts, I didn't even notice Colton taking a seat in front of me.

"Julie. Julie? Julieeee. Julie? Hey Julie. Um, Julie? What the... JULIE!"

I jumped up slightly and banged my knee under the coffee table. 


I start to rub my knee and I look up to see Colton's wide eyes on me... along with everyone else's in the cafe. I ignore them and focus on Colton.

"Oh my.. Colton! You scared me!" I chuckled slightly and he laughed along with me. 

"Sorry babe, I'll try not to disturb you next time your mind is drifting in the sea."

He relaxed and leaned back in his chair while running a hand through his hair and smiling at me. I melted. He's soooooooo dreamy and he called me babe! If only he meant it in a different way.... 

"It's okay love. Sometimes I need someone to catch my wandering mind."

"Well I guess, I'm your guy then, huh?"

I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. He laughed as well. 

"So Julie.... what's up? Hows your day been?"

"Its been well.. how were your studies?"

His eyes brightened when I asked him this and he moved his chair closer to mine while sitting up straight and began indulging in the new information he found. To be completely honest, I was zoning in out. I was just so lost in his eyes. 

"Yeah so I can't believe I never knew that before. Like it seemed so obvious. The answer was literally hidden in plain sight. Ha. Isn't that insane Julie?"

"Huh? What? Yeah totally insane. Its crazy."

He smiled at me and I smiled back. He leaned back in his chair again and pulled out his phone when it vibrated.. His eyes widen when he looked at it and then they dulled. He put it back on the table.

"Colton, whats wrong?"

"Oh.. its nothing. Its just.. I was expecting a call for Scarlet... but... I don't know. I don't think we're friends anymore..."

He sulked in his seat. He seemed so sad, I almost felt bad for being so happy. It's good that their not friends. He had no idea how dangerous she was. 

"Aw Colton. It's okay we're still friends." Even though I want to be more than that.

He smiled, "Yeah that's true. But umm.. can I tell you something? A secret... that I never told anyone before?"

My eyes widen and I perked up a bit, leaning closer to him while nodding my head. A secret? Omg... what if he's confessing his love for me? No, I doubt it. But then again... 

"So... uh... Please don't tell mom and dad but... well.. I... uh.. welll... we uh..."

"I... we? What? Colton whats going on? Whose we?" You and me I hope. 

"Uh.. me and uh... Scarlet.... we.... kissed.".

My heart dropped. That skank kissed Colton? MYYYYY COLTON! 

"You what?"

"I know! I know! I don't know how it happened. But she just kissed me... and I kissed back. And then we kissed again. And then she slept in my bedroom.. where we kissed again. And then we did it again when we spoke that one morning and I don't know. I know its wrong. She's the daughter of my father's business associate. Its wrong. So very wrong. But.. I don't regret. And I just want to do it again. I don't know why but I like her... I think. I don't know because I'm kind of scared of her too. I mean who wouldn't be? But I just always feel the urge to kiss her.... even when she makes me want to shrink away I want to kiss her. But now I don't think thats ever gonna happen again because she's mad at me but... oh gosh I'm babbling. I just like her... do I? Yeah, I do. I think. I don't know.. Julie help."

I'm frozen. With anger, jealously,... and sadness. The love of my life just confessed his love for another woman to me. I mean... how would you feel if someone did that to you? It fells like someone dropped my fragile part and all the pieces blew away in the wind before I had the chance to put them back together. I'm stuck. What do I do? What do I say?


"Yeah Julie?"

"There's this man...."



Cliff hangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Lol, yeah I haven't updated in forever but I was inspired to by @Insane_LoveMind 

Thank you so much for your comment! This story is farrr from over. Like the drama just started.

How cute is Colton? He's experiencing his first crush! awww!

But poor Julie. If my crush ever said that to me and he was talking about someone else.. I would be soooo heartbroken. Like I can't. 

Lol, anyways... until next time!




I didn't check over my work for any errors so if you see something that looks fishy, lemme know lol

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