Chapter 8

381 13 0

Scarlet's POV

Mmm... ugh.. what's that? That... that light? 

I slowly open my eyes to get hit with a blinding light coming from the windows. I groan. 

"What the hell man? Does no one know how to close a damn curtain?"

I slowly reopen my eyes and give myself time to adjust to the light. Once fully adjusted I yawn and snuggle into the pillow, enjoying the scent. It smells like musk. But not that disgusting, overbearing, sweaty musk. This is sweet like marshmallows and vanilla mixed with an earthy tone. It's sooooooo good! I stuff my nose into the pillow and just enjoy the scent. Its sooo good... sooo sugary... soo.. yummy like colton. Omgosh! Colton! I jolt up and look around the room. He isn't here. 

"Sugar Lips?" I get off the bed and knock on the bathroom door. When I don't get an answer I turn the knob and slowly walk in. No one's there. Hmm.. where did he go? I bet he went to go check up on that slut Jodie. Ugh... screw that bitch. Screw him too. I fucking HATE stuck rich boys and their stupid slutly servants. I let out a frustrated sigh and turned on the water in the bathtub... which is freaking huge by the way. It's like my swimming pool. Once it was hot enough I shrugged off my clothes and stepped inside... slightly moaning at the feel of the heat. 

I reached over to look at the bottles at the tub. I saw his body wash and used it to put bubbles in the tub. I sighed... this is heaven. I closed my eyes while I let myself soak. While I was enjoying my bath my mind began to wander to last night... it was one of the most peaceful nights I've had in a very long time. Colton.... he was so firm yet soft and his smell. Gosh.. everything about that boy is mouth watering. Even his overbearing innocence is absolutely sexy. That boy is sex.. period. And that kiss... gosh. He has the sweetest lips. Mmm.. Sugar Lips. It's hard to believe that he's never kissed anyone before let alone never had a girlfriend. 

It might have been a small kiss but it was the best kiss I have ever had. He was so scared at first but when he finally started kissing back... it was pure heaven. The way he wrapped his arms around my waist. It made me feel so protected and cared for. I've never felt that way before. I was so pissed off when he pulled away but he really did seem sorry about it. So i forgave him. But if he's macking lips with that slut across the hall.. man oh man! He's in for an ear full!

Wait! Why do I even care? He's not my boyfriend. Although he is a sex god, I don't do relationships. I hit it and quit it before they can do it to me. But with guys like Colton, its not that simple. You gotta get them to fall for you first. But then once they fall for you, they wanna settle down. And that's not me. I mean I don't mind playing around with him for a bit. Maybe I could teach him a thing or two. Yeah, this little trip might be some fun after all.

I walk out of the bath to prevent myself from wrinkling up and wrap a towel around myself. I brush my teeth and comb my hair then walk out of the bathroom and into the room. I go through the closet and get my white lace bra and underwear set. Then I get my blue high waisted jeans and pair it with a black crop top and my black vans. I blow dry and flat iron my hair. I put on a little bit of makeup. I then sit down and randomly roam through one of magizines I brought from home. But then I heard something bang against the window. I stand u and slowly walk over to the window to see a rock get thrown at it. I cautiously open the window and look outside. 

"Hey! Is anyone out there?" I scan the surrondings and see nothing there. I shrug my shoulders and turn around only to get hit by a rock. "WHAT THE FUCK?" I turn around and look down to see someone dressed in all black. When they noticed that I spotted them, the person smirked and ran away. "WELL OKAY! SCREW YOU TOO THEN! YOU LOWSY FRENCH JERK!"

I slammed the window and walked back into the room only to bump into something and fall onto the ground.. except I didn't fall on the ground. I fell... on Colton.

"Ouch. That really hurt. You okay Scarlet?" 

I looked down at Colton since I was lying on top of him and he looked back up at me, examining me for any injuries. I almost said aw for his sweetness but then I realized he was off with the slut. So instead I rolled my eyes and roughly got off of him and then turned my back on him to face the window again. I heard him gruff as he began to get up.

"I'm sorry Scarlet. I should have watched where I was going and I-"

"Wait.. wasn't the door locked? How did you get in?" I turned to face him to see him blushing while scratching the back of his neck. 

"Oh.. well erm.. I knocked earlier and you didn't answer so I got worried and well.. I went downstairs to get a key."

"What if I was naked Colton?"

"What? Oh! I didn't think of that. I just assumed you were sleeping because you didn't open the door. I didn't realize.. well. dang it. I'm sorry Scar."

"Its.. wait. Did you just call me Scar?"

"Yeah.. wait... was I not suppose to? I'm sorry."

"Ughh.. its fine Sugar Lips. I don't care. But as you can see, I am fine. You can go back to your whore now." I shoved past him and began to walk towards the door only to be stopped by  Colton grabbing my elbow. I turned around and raised an eyebrow. He quickly let go and mumbled sorry. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"Uh.. erm. What are you talking about?" 

I scoffed and lightly laughed while running a hand through my hair. "You left this morning to go hang out with your slut Jamie."

"Who? What are you talking about? I left to take a shower."

"Mhhmm.. sure. You left to take a shower even though there's a shower in the room. Yeah okay."

"No, I'm serious. I left because I thought if I took a shower in here then you might have to use the bathroom or something and I didn't want.. you know.. any awkward encounters." 

Colton began blushing even more after speaking of us being naked in the shower together. I laughed, "Oh so you didn't want to see me naked? What is my body not good enough?" His eyes got wide.

"Huh? What? No! No! It's not that at all! I just-"

"Oh so.. you do want to see my body?"

"Wait no! Well no not no! But no... I mean. Well I didn't mean.."

I began to laugh at him and his stuttering. He looked at me confused and his blush deepened. "Chill Sugar Lips.. I was just kidding. Gosh you're so sexy when you blush. Its fine, sugar. Just let me know where you are next time, ok?"

"But I did. I uh.. I left you a note. See." Colton walked over the bed side table and grabbed a piece of paper and then gave it to me. I took the paper and read. 


Heading out to the showers, didn't want to wake you. The door is locked so don't worry about anyone coming in. I'll knock so you know its me. Be back later.

-Colton (oh and goodmorning)

After I read the note (which was extremely cute by the way) I looked up at Colton to see him staring down at the floor. I smiled and dropped the paper on the floor and walked over to him. He slightly lifted his gaze to look down at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I stood up on my tippie toes and lightly brushed my lips against him causing his eyes to flutter shut. 

While my lips were against his, I  softly muttered, "Goodmorning to you too," before crashing my lips into his. 


Hey guyssssss!!! I am soo happy! 13 votes! Thank you soo much!. Now heres a few questions you guys should think about:

Why do you think Scarlet is so jealous about Julie?

Who was that guy? Why was he throwing rocks at Scarlets window? 

That's it guys. Thanks again! Until next time.



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