Labyrinth 2

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Sarah was 7 years older now. She felt that her time in the Labyrinth was just a dream, it couldn't have been real. Meeting the Goblin King was a dream. Almost losing her little brother Toby felt like a dream... She had so many unanswered questions and she didn't know who to get the answers from.

She woke up one morning, and just groaned.

"The same dream, again." She says annoyed rolling over onto her stomach in her bed.

Sarah had the same dream, over and over again. The adventure of her finding Toby and confronting the Goblin King.

She got up and walks downstairs, Toby was already eating breakfast, ready for the day.

"Hello Sarah! Sleep well?" Toby says happily, Sarah didn't always understand Toby. Why couldn't he understand that everything was now a curse just to save him from turning into a goblin?

"No." She says sharply.

Sarah slouched in her chair whilst looking out the window.

"Where's dad? Oh... and the step mother." Sarah said ungratefully

"Out, said they won't be back till later." Toby said with his mouth full.

"So, I have to look after you, again?" Sarah folds her arms whilst Toby nodded. "Great. They always do this! I should be in my own apartment living my life."

"What life? Dad told me you lost your job again."

"I didn't lose it, I quit."

"Of course you did." Toby rolled his eyes at Sarah's lie.

Sarah walked off to her bedroom, she got dressed and prepared for her day with Toby.

When Sarah and Toby were ready, they went out. Sarah ran into as she called them, 'friends'.

"Oh Sarah, you still in your FANTASY?!" They all joked as she walked past.

One of her friends Elle ran back to her. "Don't worry Sarah, I know what these idiots are like, take no notice... Give me a call later? I can pop round to yours maybe?" Sarah smiled happily at her only good friend and watched as Elle slipped off to the group she once called friends.

Sarah was a very lonely 21 year old, she never had many friends, but after her adventure she lost everything. She was left with nothing but questions that were unanswered.

"What are they on about Sarah?" Toby asks,

Sarah never told Toby the real story, one day she knew she would.

"Nothing, they're just... um, joking about." She tried to avoid.

A young boy waved to Toby and Toby waved back. "Is that Billy?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah... I was meant to see him today..."

"Then go." Sarah tells him.

"I'll see you back at your flat at 5?" She nodded as he ran off.


"Oh no..." Sarah whispered.

Her 'friend' Joe was ringing her. Joe loved Sarah to the ends of the Earth... Along with 20 other girls. But she couldn't face seeing him, the only male company she wanted was Jareth's.

To be polite, she picked up.

"Yes Joe?" She breathes.

"Sarah? Will you come to this ball tonight? Its a mask thing, I thought it would be good to go, I heard the Goblin King said you were a good dancer!" Joe laughed.

Sarah hung up, Joe joked about her adventure in the Labyrinth too, along with everyone else. She wasn't going to go even if he asked nicely. She had been put off dancing for 7 years. She knew herself she was an excellent dancer but she couldn't bring herself to dance again.

She went back to her flat as it began to rain... and stared out the window.

She sighed, she kept replaying in her mind the things the King had said to her.

"Love me, and you'll have everything you ever wanted."

Did he really love me?

She thought.

Is that why he took Toby? So he'd finally meet me again?

She was deep in her questions again, forgetting the world.

Sarah had gave up on her acting carrier and kept losing jobs. Her flat smelt like a dead fish, cold water for the shower, and the cooker hardly ever worked. She wasn't living the highlight.

"It's not fair!" She bursts out.

You do say that a lot don't you Sarah...?

The Goblin King's voice went streaming through her mind and made her fall to the floor and screamed.

She couldn't keep going on like this, this was no life. Something had to change.

All of a sudden, she felt tired, and cat napped on the damp sofa...

She woke up all shaken and stiff again, like every other time she falls asleep.

"I have to get help." She said panicking.

She looked at her watch

2:45 p.m.

"I have time..." With that, Sarah jumped up from her sofa and made her way to the doctors.

Labyrinth 2Where stories live. Discover now