Within you.

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Shadow was at the very end, steps in every direction. But instead of reaching to get Toby, he was reaching Posy. If he reached Posy she would have to go into the Labyrinth next. But Shadow had a different technique to Sarah. Sarah ran around for Toby, whereas Shadow, tried to convince Posy as she was 14 years old now.

"Posy," Shadow's voices echoes. "I can give you everything, don't you want me to love you? I could give you everything you could ever want." Magenta couldn't say anything or talk to Posy. Her mind reading magic had stopped for some reason...?

"You've ignored me all my life." Posy replies unsure

"Yes, and if you take my hand, I can show you everything, I will love you forever, I'll love you so much, I'd think you were my daughter." She considered at Shadow's lie.

"You promise?" Posy whispered back.

Magenta was screaming at the bubble, hoping Posy could hear her some how, Jareth and Sarah were holding each other... Sarah with her eyes closed.

"I, promise" You could hear it in his voice, that bad was going to happen...

"RUEBELLA LET ME GO!" Magenta said screaming and crying

"No Magenta! Stop!" Alfie shouted back to his wife.

"WE LOST HER ONCE ALFIE." She shrugs off Ruebella, now weak from struggling not bothering to stand up. "Alfie we can't do this again." She lowers her voice and looks up to her husband "We lost her once, I'm not losing her again."

The room is silent, then Sarah opens her eyes and looks at the bubble.

"Magenta..." Sarah's voice was a weak tone, a struggle for her to say a word.

Magenta looked at the bubble.

Posy was reaching out for Shadow's hand and touches his skin. Shadow begins to laugh whilst Sarah's eyes narrowed and Magenta screaming with horror at her daughter.

Jareth also looked into the bubble, Posy was no longer there, she had disappeared.

"Where's she gone?" Ruebella asks

Then Sarah fell to the floor in a heap, her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving.


Jareth shouts to her through his mind... But no reply.

"I'll tell you in a minute, I need to take Sarah down to the hospital." Jareth picked Sarah up and put her into a cradle and let her arms swing side to side.


Jareth returned rather quickly, and was ready to explain

"She's been taken underground in a small room, she's on her own at the moment, but you can see her. But you only have 30 seconds to talk to her. That's it. Shadow has chosen a place somewhere in the Labyrinth to start. It could be anywhere, right at the start, or right at the castle. Though from what I can see, he won't be kind about his choice. What you need to do in those 30 seconds is give her advise, ideas, thoughts anything to do with the Labyrinth. Do not go on about how much your sorry or anything like that. Every second counts to help her." Magenta and Alfie nods, though it was going to be Magenta telling Posy everything.

Jareth flashed Magenta and Alfie to where Posy had 30 seconds to say, well, her goodbyes...


"Mum, dad!" Posy said sitting on the bench.

"We don't have time to waste, so here goes." Magenta pauses.

A plain voice shouted "30 seconds"

"In the Labyrinth you will come across strange things, ask for help where ever you can. We don't no where you will be starting but wherever it is, you must look for the castle. If you can see the castle that's a good start. Jareth will also be helping you along the way. Just never give up in there ok?"

"10 seconds left" it shouted

"And remember." Magenta puts her locket on Posy. "We're within you." Magenta kisses Posy's forehead and Alfie gives Posy a hug.

Posy opens the locket quickly seeing the whole family photo in it.

"We love you." Magenta whispers.

And with a flash, Posy had disappeared... Magenta leaned into Alfie and puts her hand on his heart. He does the same but his hand on her heart. Jareth soon flashed them back into the castle with all the family standing together.

"What happens if she doesn't finish?" Alfie asks

"Then Shadow can take her for his own..." Jareth mumbles

"What?! But she's our daughter!" Magenta screams

"I know... But she has to win."

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