It isn't real?

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Sarah had to get some of her story straight, and she had to get help. There was no way she could continue her life the way it was now. It was impossible, she was dangerous to herself if she carried on the way she was.

She walked to the doctors, they gave her an appointment and she waited.

And waited...

And waited...

Then finally, she was called.

"Sarah, you're next. Please walk this way."

She scurried along into the room and sat down without being asked.

"So Sarah, can you tell me what's going on?" The doctor asks with a pen at hand

Sarah gulped. "You'll think I'm mad."

The doctor was just looking at her.

Sarah begins "Well, 7 years ago, when my step brother was around a year old, I wished for the Goblin King to take him away as I was sick of my life. And, Toby was gone when I next looked. All around me, little goblin slaves were around me, then my doors open, and there he is... The Goblin King, in his black cape and blue eyes that seemed to kill my heart. Almost seemed like poison. I ask where my baby brother is, and the King says he's in his castle in the middle of the Labyrinth. I had 13 hours, to get him back. I did. But, at the end, I had more power then the King. And that's all I remember."

It was silent for a while.

Then Sarah begins to breathe again, and the doctor speaks.

"Have you told Toby he was taken?"

"No, I couldn't risk him having a life like I've had. It wouldn't be right." Sarah was almost in tears.

"To me, it sounds like it was a surreal dream. Imagine, you remember the people, the places, the memories are not gone, not dead. But worse, they never existed."

Sarah looks at the man. "It isn't real?"

The man's eyes brows go up. "No. I've had so many cases like this. all the same." He sits back in his chair. "Take these, ONLY two a day, anymore you'll hurt yourself, there strong pills to help you sleep better at night and forget a bit of your past. They are dangerous if you take the wrong amount. So please be careful Sarah. I don't want to see a young girl like you waste a life that's in front of them." Sarah just nods, takes the pills with her and walks home in the rain.

She got to her flat, dripping wet, sits at the table and looks at the pills for a long while.

"It wouldn't hurt if I took one now I suppose." She opens the pack and swallows one.

It doesn't make her feel any better, but she puts the pack away in the draw.

Once again, Sarah fell asleep on the sofa again. This time waking up feeling worse, her dream contained more and more memories of the Labyrinth. She woke up screaming, screaming Toby's name.

She ran to the draw and didn't take another one, she took another four pills.

The door bell rang.

Sarah looks almost shocked to hear the sound, she walked over slowly.

Opened the door...

"Toby..." She sighs in relief.

"Hi Sarah!" He says with a smile.

Sarah always thought the Goblin King had put something inside of Toby, she was never sure what it was, but she could see 'him' there. Like Toby was the King's child, his Prince. His lost Prince.

Toby walks in, sits on the horrible sofa and talks about his day. Sarah is hardly listening, she acts like she's listening and caring, but really... Really, she was thinking again.

Are these pills actually working?

Sarah had snapped back into reality, and looked at the clock, she had to get Toby home for 6.

"C'mon Toby, home I think." She took his hand and lead him home quickly

"Sarah, what's the rush?" She didn't listen to Toby, it was a waste of time to explain why.

Sarah got him home, and saw that her dad and step mum were home.

Toby rushed into his mum's arms and saw that Sarah's 'mum' was making him feel like a real Prince, giving him all the love in the world.

"'Oh thank you for bringing him home Sarah, and thank you for looking after him all day!'" Sarah mocked her step mothers voice.

"Oh, Sarah!" Her dad says with a smile, Sarah half smiles back.

"Is it OK if you stay home again for the night? We're going out for the weekend!" The step mother said

"Fine." Sarah says annoyed.

"Thank you! And if you could just do the house work that would be lovely." They leave and Sarah throws something at the door making the pot break.


No, it's not. But that's the way it is...

The Goblin King's voice again makes Sarah scream with anger and reaches for her pills. This time, taking around 6.

"Sarah... what's wrong." Toby was cautious

"Nothing. I'm fine." She replies sharply.

The next day, Sarah does all the house work the parents had left for her. She did every single one, apart from bring the washing in, the wind was blowing hard but it started to spit rain.

She went out side and started to un peg the washing. Until something stopped her...

"Sarah...!" The Goblin King's voice, but it wasn't distant this time, he was close. Closer then she thought. She forgot about her work, dropped the clothes on the damp ground and started to follow the enchanting voice.

It got louder and louder, it became more real every step she took. Her heart was pounding with excitment and lust.


She opened the shed door where it seemed the voice was at its loudest.

He's behind this door...

She opened the door, it wasn't the Goblin King, but the Labyrinth she once faced. She glared at it, her eyes began to fill with tears... She wanted to run into that Labyrinth and cry tears of joy.

Is this real....?

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