Life as Queen

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"Wake up my Queen." Jareth's voice went through Sarah's mind.

Her eyes were still closed, but she still smiled.

"Queen." She breathes

"Yes, Queen." He kisses her forehead. "We must get up, there's a few things needed looking at round the Labyrinth. And you're needed." Sarah opens her eyes slowly.

"Ok, do I have to wear a ridiculously heavy and long dress?" She smirks holding herself up by her elbows.

"No, you can wear something a little more 'human'" He smiles and gets up.

"Ok, as long as I can actually walk and run in it." She nods and gets up too

"A Queen never runs Sarah, then again I suppose you did run this thing 7 years ago." He smirks to Sarah. "Your wardrobe is in there, with every thing you could ever dream to think of wearing, I'll see you in a bit" he kisses her head, smiles and walks off.

"Ok, ok," she walks into the wardrobe. And it was like another land. "I'll never find anything in here!" She shouts to herself

She starts to search to look for anything she could run in, but look proud and strong in. Putting one of her many crowns that was light but perfect would help her...

She started top to bottom, and looked at every hanger.

Then she found it, a black pencil skirt. Her top was a plain shirt she looked relatively normal, except the crown.

She giggled, twisted her hair into some creative piece and put on her makeup to match. She squinted her eyes when she was finished, and said... "Please say I look powerful enough?"

You're perfect.

Jareth says through her mind.

"Thanks." she smiles and starts to walk out.

"Oh damn, shoes!" She thinks looking round.

She found some platform heels, hoping she'd be able to walk in them, these weren't as high as her wedding shoes or Coronation shoes. Even with killer heels that made her even taller then she was, she wasn't over taking Jareth. She was glad that her husband would never be smaller then her.

She trots slowly with the heels first and suddenly feels like she's wearing trainers. She felt like running, she opened the door and there was Jareth

"I'm surprised you can walk in them!" He laughs

"What did you do." Sarah strops.

"Nothing, try running" So Sarah does to Jareth's request

She feels like she can run for miles, these shoes were surprisingly comfy?!

"Alright. No lies. Tell me what you did to these shoes? I've only worn 3 pairs of heels IN MY LIFE. there is NO WAY I can run in a pair in killers?!" Sarah protests.

"Ok, I surrender! I put a spell on your shoes, I knew you wanted to run yet look like a Queen, so..." They both smile

"Well thank you," she kisses him on the cheek. "At least I won't break my neck!"

"Yes, my clumsy wife who had a broken neck. We're having a portrait done soon, you and I." Sarah was loving it.

"Nothing can go wrong for me. My life is just too perfect." She leans into Jareth looking at the yellow sky with him.

"Also, today, go round the Labyrinth and pick a spot for our painting ok? Where ever it is, I'll love it too" He kisses her head.

"Ok, somewhere that meant a lot to me, there's loads though Jareth!" She complains

"Trust me, when you see a place, you'll know its right." He lets her shoulder go, and takes her hand instead.

"Come on, Royal chores must be done!" He laughs evilly

"I don't like the sound of that!" Sarah grins following in her magic shoes

"Here's the list for today my King and Queen" A goblin handed them

They let the scroll drop as it rolled longer and longer.

"Oh damn." Sarah says to herself.

"We better do half of the jobs, the exploring ones I'll leave for you Sarah, and the rest to me. Have fun." He smiles and kisses Sarah's lips.

"Ok, what if I get lost!?" Sarah sounded worried.

"You won't there's creatures everywhere, they'll help you on the way my darling." He lifts her chin. "And if you're in deep trouble, think of me, and I'll be there within seconds." He smiles and disappears.

"Ok, here we go." She turns around with her eyes closed.

"Lets be a Queen." She opens her eyes and sees she's been placed somewhere in the Labyrinth.

First, she looks for the castle, as Jareth once told her it was in the middle of the Labyrinth.

"Ok, its there." she says to herself, it wasn't far away, she could she still see the windows clearly and the door, and some faded details. She looked at the halved list.

*The bog of internal stench needs looking at for smell

Thanks for leaving me that one Jareth

*Creatures on west of the Labyrinth.

*Forest is infested with 'something'

These were just a few.

She started to run with her shoes to the stench, it wasn't hard to find.

She got there, and it was like it had been iced over, it had no effect to the smell though. It was like someone could skate over it.

She didn't try just in case.

She thinks to Jareth.

What do I do?

He thinks back to her

Use your head and your magic my love.

She looks to her hands and points them to the smell.

It makes an explosion sound and makes Sarah jump backwards.

I need some practise.

She thinks to him, she just hears his laugh.

She picks herself up and brushes off the dirt. Then she looks at the stench. It was clear, no more over coat.

"One done, another nine hundred and ninety nine to go..." she giggles,


She had finished all her jobs and saw she had cut her legs along the way.

"How?" She says annoyed. "A Queen has to be perfect!"

"Damn Jareth, what did I do." She says out loud, closing her eyes

She opens them again and sees she's in a seat with Jareth leaning against the wall when a nurse bandaged up her wound.

"You fell over in the forest. Remember?" Jareth says to her.

"No, I-" She touches her head, it was hurting her

"and you banged your head on the way down." He finishes sharply.

"I'm doing well for Queen don't you think?" She giggles sadly.

Jareth crouches so he can she her face. "Hey, your doing amazing." He kisses where the bump on her head was.

"Labyrinths most clumsy Queen... ever." She says with a smile.

"At least you'll be remembered" He grins at her.

"Come on, it'll get better my darling. I promise. But I better not leave you alone again." Jareth kisses her lips softly.

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