Come with me Sarah.

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Sarah was finally seeing things better, in a better light.

It was if Jareth was her sun, he brightened up her life even though he was the cause of the darkness. The thing that kept her talking to him was because he had changed into a human being and wasn't the nasty King that wanted her and her little brother.

Sarah and Jareth spent nearly every waking moment together, she couldn't stop thinking about him. Even when she didn't need him around when she was upset or worried, he'd still be there, soaking up everything wrong with her life. It made her smile.

She couldn't imagine a life without him now.

He was all she needed.

By now, Sarah had figured out that Jareth could hear her thoughts, even when he wasn't Jareth and was the Goblin King he could. That's why things were getting worse for Sarah, it was because the King was controlling her. It was a disadvantage for Sarah then, now, it was a massive advantage. She didn't have to pick up the phone, or pick up a piece of paper or pen, she just had to think...


And 2 minutes later

*Knock, knock*

Sarah would leap for the door and open it with a grin

Each day, Jareth and Sarah got closer and closer.

After months of the same story, the friends started to look at each other in a new way. A good way. A dangerous way.

Sarah new something, but she couldn't say it out loud, or even in her head. Otherwise Jareth would know her secret. But, one day, she met up with Toby.

"Sarah, are you happy?" Toby asks, as soon as Sarah heard the word 'happy' she smiled.

"Yes. and, I don't understand how I can be so happy after being in the dark." She tries not to think about Jareth, and hopes he doesn't come walking up behind her. She wanted to tell Toby something important.

"So, Jareth has made your life complete?" Sarah just nods to Toby's question.

"Sarah," She looks at little Toby, growing fast all the time.

"Yes Toby?" She replies quietly

"Are you in love with him...?" She sighs, and stops.

"He's transformed into something I love, and I've transformed into someone who loves him." She smiles at the thought.

"Then, tell him." Toby says softly.

"No. If I told him, he might just leave my life. Forever." She couldn't bare the thought and begins to think of Jareth...

I'm scared, don't leave me.

All of a sudden, in Sarah's mind, and her mind alone, she heard his voice.

Sarah, I know you don't want me there at this moment, but I will never leave you no matter what you say. I'll only leave when you tell me to leave your life.

She sighs. Toby questions her sigh, and she replies with a simple


"Why don't you tell him? He can't let you be unhappy now, I've never known you so happy in my whole life." Sarah looks at Toby after his words

"What?" She looks away from him now "What have you said to him?"

"I told him to keep you happy, if he wanted me happy. For some reason, he has a bond with me. I feel like he's like a father or a much older brother to me. It's like he cares about us Sarah." She hugs Toby tight when she hears him speak.

"Don't worry, I won't let him leave" They both giggle.

Toby and Sarah had never been closer, their relationship was getting stronger, just like Sarah's and Jareth's.


Another cold day was around and Sarah just needed the comfort of her 'friend' so she thought of him again. But it wasn't minutes he turned up. It was seconds. 10 exactly.

"How were you so quick?" Sarah smiles

"I wanted to come and see you without you thinking of me" He smiles.

"I missed you too much" She giggles

They spent the whole day together again, they were inseparable

"Jareth, I wanted to tell you something actually."

"Yes of course, go a head." He leans in, and looks into her eyes.

"Toby told me to tell you, but, I didn't want to lose you." She looks at him

"You'd never lose me"

"I love you." She breathes

He sighed, and laughed a little.

Was that wrong?

"Sarah, remember when you first saw me a few months ago?" Jareth has sat back in his chair, almost as if he's telling a story.

"Yes." Sarah nods

"Well, I said I could change." Sarah's looking worried now at him.

"When you were in my Labyrinth, I wanted you and Toby. To love me." Sarah's still listening to him

"And now, you love me, and Toby has a bond with me and because I'm still the King, that person who isn't me is getting stronger and stronger." Sarah works it out now.

"So, I can't be with you..." She sobs

"You can, but it wouldn't be the me you can see now. You'd have to live in my Labyrinth, with me as the King, and you as the Queen..."

"I'd have to leave my life behind. I wouldn't be able to come back would I...?" Sarah feels like crying, she wanted to go right away, but what about Toby?

"Yes. But you have your friends. Heggle, Sir Didymus, Ludo, you'll see them again. Sarah, I promise you, I would never be the King I was when you met him in the Labyrinth. It would be me, Jareth as him. Please come with me." He pleaded

"You mean Hoggle." She paused. "What about Toby. I couldn't leave him here. It wouldn't be fair." Sarah couldn't look at Jareth in the eye.

"Its your choice, of course he can come back with us. But would he understand like you and I? And he couldn't stay forever, or I'd have to turn him immortal." Jareth reaches for Sarah's hand.

"Let me think about it. I don't like this idea though." Sarah walks into her bedroom and locks the door.

For days, she tells Jareth to stay away whilst she thinks.

If I tell Toby, would he come with me?

What happens if he's lying? And he turns into the evil king who wanted me to fall?

I can't be with him unless I go back to his world... Why?

Is it possible to run away from everything?

Why can't I be happy and stay happy?


Jareth however was not happy either. What he didn't know was, the King had been torturing Sarah, but also Jareth. Himself. He wasn't going to let him have Sarah unless he was the nasty King in the Labyrinth.

Jareth looked in the mirror.

You silly man...

You fell in love with a girl you knew you would NEVER get... she's mine.

I've turned your world's upside down.

Jareth was all alone and shouted to the mirror...


There's nothing you can do... You bring her back to the Labyrinth, and we trap them... I finally get her, and I get my Prince back...

"I love that girl, I will never let you be nasty to her or to Toby."

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