An heir is needed.

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"What...?" Sarah says faintly to Jareth

"We're at War with the Land Of Fields. They've declared war with us." Jareth says looking open his endangered Labyrinth.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me before?!" Sarah started breathing fast

"It's because I'm now married, and, when a King gets married, there must be a Prince. So, they're declaring War with us because we have no heir Sarah." Jareth says looking down, but Sarah runs to him and hugs from behind

"This can stop, we can have a child, I'm not letting us go to War because of our marriage and because we have no son!" Sarah shouts.

"It's not like the real world Sarah, the stars choose when the right time is to bring a child into the equation. Sometimes, the parents can be 16, sometime 103 years old, it's when they think the King and Queen are ready." Sarah starts to cry.

"But I'm human, it can work. Has the Labyrinth ever had a human Queen?" Jareth shakes his head.

"It cannot work Sarah..."

"Wa, what can I do?!" Sarah is on the floor, she starts to shiver in her clothes as she feels the cold floor.

"We have to show the stars we are ready, we have to prove to them that we will bring up a strong Prince and we have to... before the War." Jareth picks her up

"How do we show them?" Sarah takes the tears away.

"Show we are strong, ready to protect the Labyrinth from anything that comes near us, show we can be dangerous when we want to be, show we can agree with the other Land." Jareth continues

"We can do that, I proved to you the first time I was here I'm stronger then you, so I must be stronger then the other Land especially with you by my side!" Sarah shakes

"I was getting weaker though, we have to fight them. We have to get an army together." Jareth and Sarah nod as they put up a poster in the middle of the town, in the forest, near the internal stench, the start of the Labyrinth. Anywhere possible. And it read...

The Land of The Labyrinth is going to War with The Land of The Fields.

The Queen and I need as many soldiers to fight for us and our Land to keep us safe. To keep you safe. Please don't give in...

The King Of The Goblins.

This brought attention to nearly everyone. A few days later, Jareth and Sarah went down to the village and sat down in two small chairs with a table just in front.

On the table there was a scroll, this was for people who wanted to help fight to put their names down.

As people lined up, Jareth sweated in worry for the creatures he knew.

"Hey, I promise you, it won't come to a fight. We can do it. I promise you." Sarah kisses his cheek and makes him settle a little.

The whole day, the king and queen sat there, hoping and praying it would never come down to this war. It would destroy the Labyrinth.

All they needed was an heir to be next in line!

Sarah leaves a little earlier then Jareth and starts to walk to the garden in the Labyrinth.

It was dark, and she sat down on the white marble bench.

"Oh Stars, don't lead us into a war. Please give us a child so we don't loose any of our creatures. I know I've never been the best Queen, and I don't think I'll ever fit in right. But this is my home, and destroying it for an heir is just mind shivering to think about. Please Stars, if you can hear me now, please don't take us into a blood bath. I couldn't bare to live a life without Hoggle or Ludo, or Sir Didymus... or, or Jareth... If I lost him I don't know what I'd do. I'll continue to pray every night until my wish is granted. This is the one wish I truly wish to have. I didn't wish for Toby away, I didn't mean too, wishing myself in the Labyrinth, well, it's my home now. So please listen to your queen. I'm desperate..." She looks up and hopes for anything.

But nothing.

"Damn." She whispers.

Sarah begins to walk back slowly to her castle. Then she thought I can just flick myself there!

She closes her eyes...And opens them...

There she was, in a warm room with large armchairs in where Jareth was already sitting in one.

"I see you had an adventure?" Jareth asks drinking some wine. "Do you want a glass?" I nod at him.

"I went to go for a wish." She sits in the one next to him as he pours a glass.

"Sarah you know I can grant any wish you want!" Jareth smiles and passes me the big glass of red liquid.

"I wish for an heir." She says standing up again. "Go on. That's what I want." She gets on her knees and he strokes her cheek.

"Sarah you know I can't only the Stars can!" He looks down to his feet.

"It's not fair" She sulks to herself.

"You do say that a lot" He reminded her

"Oh har har, so funny." She rolls her eyes

"Sorry my darling." She smiles at his apology

"I just don't know what we're going to do! I'm not letting us go to War." It went silent after Sarah's comment.

"Jareth?" Sarah sits up. "Does the Fields no about Toby?"

"They only know your called Sarah and your my wife with no child. Why?" Jareth asks

"Well, we can trick them. Toby was meant to be Prince, so why can't we fool them until the Stars give us one? Toby wouldn't mind staying a few months!" Her plan seemed brilliant

"I'm not letting him see a War Sarah! Besides, it'll give us less chance with the Stars!" Jareth snapped.

"He won't I'll keep him safe, and they'll have to believe he's 'my Prince' because it's in the blood!" Jareth thinks about it

"Ok, we'll get a goblin to get Toby in the morning, if he agrees... But for now, you go, I'll meet you in our room shortly. Just need to work something's out." Sarah nods and walks slowly towards him

"Ok, I love you..." She whimpers

"I love you too" He smiles back at her.

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