Prince Ryanth Toby Jareth of Courage.

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No Sarah, but wake up, please. I need to know your still here... Please wake up.

Jareth pleaded for her

Help me

She says back.

She was replying, all she needed to do was open her eyes

Open your eyes my love

Sarah mumbles something

"Go on, you can hear me, try to open your eyes. You're strong enough to do that!" He grabs hold of her hand

Sarah flickers her eyes open. Wide. And gasps. Jareth gasps also with joy.

"What happened to me?" Sarah asks looking around

"Well, you called for me and-" Sarah puts one finger over his lips

"And you saved me." She smiles awkwardly.

"What a Queen I turned out to be... I'm sorry I left, and almost died." She said

"I promised you I wouldn't go and murder your heart and-" She stops him again.

"You never promised me back" She winked.

"Don't do it again, tell me what you're going to do! I think I need to be glued to you to make sure your safe all the time" He smiled

Sarah touched her head where the King of Fields carved into her

"Where's it gone?" She says looking for the scars

"magic." Jareth kissed where the scars should have been

"And, where's the King of Fields." She didn't care about his name anymore

"We killed him," Jareth grinned.

"When you called for me, I came quicker then ever. And, I knocked him off of you and slaughtered him. That ended the War and here we are. But Sarah my love, you almost died, you had blood all over you... I panicked."

"Shh... I'm ok, in here Jareth. So, are we safe?" Sarah whispered

"Um, well, they want revenge. But they won't be allowed unless we have the heir." Jareth sighs

"Right. We're going to see the Stars then." Sarah gets up

"Sarah, they're not going to give us a-"

"Stop it, if me going to War with no experience isn't enough, then I don't know what is." She said angry.


"Ok then Stars, I think its time I got what I deserve. I've just fought in a War and I get nothing in return?! That is low." Sarah turns around and starts walking back to the castle with Jareth

"Sarah..." The Stars say.

"Sarah, look." Jareth says already turned around

Sarah turned around to see Jareth hold a baby boy. The baby was in a satin white blanket, the baby was warm, and had the pink rose cheeks. The baby started to make funny little noises. Sarah didn't know what to do, she felt so useless.

"Thank you." Sarah whispers

"This will give you so much more." And the Stars voice disappeared

They start walking back with the baby and try to see what they had of each other.

"Our son." Jareth holds out their baby to Sarah to hold.

"He has your eyes Jareth, how could he not? They're so gorgeous." Sarah's still in shock.

"Well, I do hope he has your sense of adventure and courage." Jareth says now holding the baby

"We both have courage." Sarah says still looking at him.


They get back to the castle and see that the baby's room is already decorated.

"It's amazing." Sarah whispers again.

"Isn't it? Just the best for our Prince." By now, the boy's asleep.

They put him in his cot and rocked him.

"What are we going to name him?" Sarah asks

"Well, what do you like?" Jareth asks.

"Well, I want Toby in the middle name, and Jareth." She winks at him. "My two best boys."

"And the first name?" Jareth asks

"Well, I was messing with the word Labyrinth. So... Ryanth?" Jareth grins at Sarah's name for the Prince

"Prince Ryanth Toby Jareth of Courage." Jareth said it beautifully, it was perfect.

"I love it." She closes her eyes, peeking just to check this wasn't a dream.

"Jareth?" Sarah asks "Will he grow like normal children do?"

"Yes, don't worry, when he's about 2, he'll speed up on growth, but he'll slow down again. It changes a lot. But he'll grow like every other baby does in the first year" They both smile.

"He'll always be our Prince." Sarah hugs Jareth

"We have to tell Toby you know." Jareth says,

Sarah gasps and smiles "Toby! Yes, we'll have to bring him here straight away!" Sarah smiles "Call him!"

"No Sarah, Ryanth's asleep, we'll wait until he's wide awake." Jareth was right though, Sarah was just so excited.

"Ok, what does he eat." Sarah asked

"Milk, anything normal babies eat." Jareth was giving all the facts.

"Good, I don't want a baby that drinks blood or anything of the sort!" She laughs

"And, we'll have to tell our Goblins about Ryanth. They'll love him. We'll be in the front of the newspaper again!" He chuckles

"We always are!" Sarah laughs

"This will go on for weeks though!" Jareth says quietly trying not to wake Ryanth.

"Sarah?" Jareth whispers


"I love you." He smiles

"And I love you" she replies

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