Don't leave me when I need you most.

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"The battle is tomorrow. And after all of all your hard work, as King, I am proud that you are apart of my Kingdom and Land. You have all shown bravery, and all of Labyrinth will know your names. It is an honour to be fighting with you all. I pray, for your friends, family, and your Queen we do not loose many lives. The Queen is resting, but wishes you all the best and hopes luck is with you all." Jareth finishes speaking to all the soldiers

Sarah comes from the corner of Jareth's eye, he could see she had been crying, Sarah's head hung low.

"Sarah, please, I don't want you to be here and get upset." Says Jareth quietly but rubs her shoulders.

"No, no, I want to talk to them all." She nods and steps up.

"I'm sorry to everyone, I'm sorry that this War is partly my fault for not bringing an heir with me. I'm sorry I have to say goodbye to you. I know I haven't been the best Queen in the World, but I've heard I'll never be forgotten. I just wanted to say, you are my life now, and each and every one of you that goes to War are the strongest and fearless people I'll ever meet in my life. So, because I feel guilty that it's my fault, I'm joining you in the fight." Everyone gasps and mutters between them, Jareth runs towards Sarah and grabs her tight.

"No, I'm not letting you do that." Jareth shouts so the army can hear.

"You're fighting! And, I can't sit back helplessly watching my people die, watching my King die! If you die, I'll loose everything. If you die, you've also killed my heart!" Sarah shouts louder.

It's quiet when the army shout back to the pair.

"Don't let the Queen go! She's been the best queen ever your majesty!"

"We love our Queen and King!"

"Both of you! Don't fight! Stay here, what happens if you both die?! What would happen then?!"

"Alright." Jareth's voice reaches over everyone else's. "We'll have a vote."

"All in favour for making the King and Queen stay in the Labyrinth and not fight raise your hand." A goblin shouted.

A sea of hands were lifted in the air, getting bigger and bigger.

"Jareth, they do really care. They care about us both. Not just you, or just me, both of us. Our love." Sarah looks up into Jareth's beautiful blue eyes.

"So... We stay here?" He says unsure

"Together." Their foreheads touch and the army are screaming their heads off for the young pair.

"After debating, we've decided we're staying." The army roar very pleased. "However, we feel extremely guilty we're not helping, so, we've asked the Stars to watch over you all." Sarah smiles.

"Thank you, and good luck."


That night, Sarah was restless, she couldn't bare to think she'd let creatures die for her and Jareth.

At early hours, Sarah got up quietly trying her very best not to wake Jareth up. She went into her dressing room and put some warm clothes on and tied her hair up into a high pony tail. She ran out the room and sprinted into the town where the army were preparing to go.

"Can anyone lend me some gear?" She shouted

By now, she knew Jareth would be restless too, if he heard her voice, it would wake him up.

A goblin gave her the Royal army suit which fitted her well. She also took the sword that the goblin gave her.

"Ok, lets go, now." She orders.

They move quickly with Sarah on a horse, she had a few tall goblins next to her.

She watched the sun rise above the mountains and knew Jareth was up by now.

She looked at her sword and saw ruby's all over the blade. It glittered in the sun.

I'm still human... If I'm killed... I die...?

Back at the Labyrinth, Jareth was going mad.

"WHERE IS SARAH!?" he shouts at the remaining goblins. "WHERE HAS SHE GONE?!" He looked at the window that looked over the whole Labyrinth.

He turned slowly.

"She hasn't gone with them has she?" Jareth says to the goblins.

They're quiet for once.

Jareth immediately panics and runs down to the town

"SOMEONE GET MY HORSE READY!" Jareth managed to click his fingers for his armour to go on.

A goblin brought out his horse, he jumped on and galloped to where the fight would be held.


Meanwhile, Sarah was at the scene of the fight. Her heart was in her throat when she saw the other army, she new this was what Jareth meant by proving to the Stars.

She got off her horse and let the Royal blue cape fall heavily to the ground. She walked forward.

And the leader of the Fields did too.

"and where is The King of the Goblins your majesty." He says in a high little voice. Not what Sarah had expected.

"I didn't let him. Problem?" She says back to him.

"No, no, at least there's one Royal person to kill, that's all we came for." He smirked and walked back.

Sarah felt like dying at that very moment. But she knew she had to be stronger then this. She hurried back got back on her horse. She had to stay alive for Jareth, for the Labyrinth.

Sarah was trying to not think about Jareth otherwise he'd be in the middle of the fight.

A trumpet blew and the army began to run, Sarah watched them at first, held down her heart and kicked on her horse and drew out her sword. Her horse charged at the enemy as she sliced creature from the fields in half. She felt freedom all of a sudden, she felt she could finally do something important. The fire inside of her burned brighter then ever, she loved the taste of success.

She didn't get distracted, she continued to slaughter people in her way, and helped those who were in danger. When she wasn't too busy fighting, she glanced around her, seeing if anyone had fallen. They were ok... for now.

Sarah kicked on her horse again to find the King of the Fields, she searched whilst murdered. Then she spotted him on his brown, sheepish horse. They weren't involved in the fight.

Sarah's white horse galloped faster and faster until she could see the King's face. She thirsted now for his blood. But Sarah was whipped off of her horse and tumbled to the ground. She grabbed her sword and looked at her white as snow horse... someone had shot it with an arrow and killed it. From now on, Sarah would have to run.

She started running with a load of her army just a few paces behind her. Her breathing was heavy, and wanted to get her hands round the leader's neck. She closed her eyes for a second, no reason, just she had too. She saw Jareth. She gasped and opened her eyes.

The King of the Fields had disappeared!

When she turned around he had a dagger in his right hand and pushed her to the ground making her knock her head hard, she instantly went dizzy. He was pointing the dagger right at her. And almost started to carve in her pinkish skin. She screamed in pain as every stroke he took with the blade killed her slowly.

"JARETH!" She yelled and screeched.

"Scream for your husband but he's no where to be seen!"

She was blacking out... this was it.

She tried, but it wasn't enough...

Jareth... Save me.

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