It's a deal...

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Jareth went in his carriage, he had Ryanth's little blanket that stank of Sarah's perfect floral perfume so it could remind him of her.

Jareth kept closing him eyes, praying his son would remember him, he was now around 2 months old, just. Time had gone so quickly without thinking about it

The carriage stopped.

A goblin opened his door and said...

"My King... We're here."

Jareth gets out and looks up at a grand Castle.

"WHAT?! Why are we at The Land Of The Fields castle?!" Jareth shouts flapping his massive cape about.

"The Queen of The Fields wanted to make a deal." The goblin replies. "Good thing you dressed up hey?"

Jareth was wearing his blood red cape with a hood, he pulled his hood up and the cape dragged across the ground making him look very powerful and frightening like he did the first time Sarah saw him. Along with the cape, he wore the black suit Sarah first saw him in.

"Fine. But I'm coming away with Ryanth either way."

Jareth stops to where this Queen was, in the highest room of the tallest tower... The goblin was running just behind the King. The other men were waiting outside, waiting for a signal.

Jareth opens the door and walks in.

One of Jareth's favourite lullaby's he sings to Sarah and Ryanth was playing... How did the Land of the Fields know about the song...?! A woman in a black zig zagged cape with big over the top collars was standing at the window. A fire was on in the corner of the room, and just beside it a little cradle with black bedding. It made Jareth's heart jump yet shiver.

"Ah. The King of The Labyrinth and the Goblins." She turned around slowly. No baby in her hands though.

"And you are...?" Jareth slowly glides across the floor towards her being careful.

"Oh don't you know? I'm the wife of my dead husband." Straight away... Jareth knew it was the King of the Fields wife...

"And, how is your wife Jareth? Well I hope." She joked now circling Jareth.

Jareth could now see her features more clearly, her skin looked green, like she never seen sunlight. Her eyes were a thick black colour, like a never ending black hole. Her hair was thick black too, and twisted it into a high bun, her crown looked like it was made out of thorns and was higher then her bun.

"She's un well at the moment... Missing our son terribly." She stops at Jareth's comment and looks into Jareth's eyes.

"Oh! Of course! Your son. You miss him don't you." Jareth's eyes narrow at her sarcasm. "Well it took you long enough to realise he was here! Why did t you just use your crystal balls to find him then your pathetic army Jareth?"

"Firstly, you blocked my crystals from any image of Ryanth and secondly... Who won the war? Well, well, it clearly shows your army were the pathetic ones. Just hand the baby over Angelica, the games over."

"Oh and why would I do that? Your son, Ryanth has made me the happiest person alive since Hallow died." She smiled. "Besides, the game has only just begun Jareth." She evilly grins.

"What about your daughter...? Willow?" He says.

Willow was remembered by every land, she was one of the most prettiest girls ever. Sarah had not met her yet, but one day hoped to. Willow had long curly blonde hair, with brown eyes. Her skin looked ice white but still looked beautiful. But she was an accident. She was meant to be a boy to be crowned, but even as a 17 year old, she still couldn't be a Queen. The Stars tricked Angelica into thinking she did something good when she hadn't.

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