Queen Sarah Of The Land Of The Labyrinth.

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Sarah finally came to a decision. And she was sure about it.

She thought that Jareth would always be the same person, he'll just look different. And looks never mattered to her, as long as his eyes never change, she'd be mesmerised.

She also thought about Toby, and her parents. Her parents didn't care about her, and if they did it was if she was free to babysit little Toby.

For Toby, she thought hard about, even though Jareth wanted him as Prince, she couldn't have the thought of Toby being hers. So she thought he could be a close relative, like they are now, the brother of the Queen. But he'd never be in line for the throne, Toby had no clue about the Labyrinth, let alone the fact he'll be living there!

After a couple of weeks. She thought about Jareth and he came in minutes again.

"Sarah," He says relieved. "Seems like years!" He grinned

"I missed you, I just needed to think properly" Sarah smiles back

"I know, and it is a hard choice." It was quiet for a minute

"And, I wanted to tell you my decision." She breathes.

"Ok, whatever it is, I'll be ok." He looks at her worried

"I want to go to the Labyrinth with you." She looks into his sapphire blue eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"I want to live with you, forever. I can't live a life without you." She was sure.

"And what about Toby?" He questions

"We'll have to tell him, but I'm not having him as Prince of the Labyrinth. It'll scare him to think he'll have to be a King one day. And, its weird if my little brother is sort of my son?!" They laugh.

"Ok, so we better tell him, together." Sarah nods at Jareth's idea.

It's quiet for a minute again.

"Sarah, you know you'd have to be Queen right?" Jareth wonders

"Of course, as long as I'm with you, I don't care." She smiles

"We'll have to run the Labyrinth together!" He grins at the thought.

"I like that." And they lean in for a kiss.

"Lets go tell Toby, I hope he takes it well." Sarah worries

"He'll come, I'm sure" Jareth takes her hand and they run off to Sarah's parents house.


"Toby?" Sarah creeps in

"Toby?" Jareth repeats but in a deeper and stronger tone.

"Yeah guys?" He pops round the corner.

"We need to talk to you. Seriously. And it'll take a long time..." Sarah sits on the sofa with Jareth just a second behind, Jareth takes Sarah's soft hand in his.

"Ok, I have time." Toby sits on the opposite side.

"Ok, so, you know I've never looked at you in the eye?" She starts

"Mum said you hate blue." Sarah rolls her eyes at Toby's comment

"That's a lie. Anyway, have you noticed Jareth's eyes? There just like yours, nearly identical. Don't you think that's a bit strange Toby?" He nods.

"Well, you know I said, when you were little someone took you away? Because I wished you away? Well, Jareth took you. Don't freak out, you have to let me explain. I wished you away, and the Goblin King took you, but he is Jareth. They're the same person. But the Goblin King rules over a place called the Labyrinth. And, the only way I can be with him is if I live there. And I've said yes, we've also discussed about you coming."

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