But it's not the kind of thing you forget.

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Sarah heard Toby calling her, and by then, she only saw a few rats in the shed, not the wonderful, scary labyrinth she wished she saw.

"Toby. How long have you been calling my name?" Sarah asked feeling spooked.

"A while. You were walking away from my voice, I was trying to get louder!" Toby cried out.

The rain poured heavily now, Toby shivered by the chill of the water, Sarah just stood there.

Sarah stopped. She replayed Toby's/The Goblin King's voice inside her head again and again, was this the thing the King had left inside of Toby? His voice to haunt poor Sarah?

She was so close to all her questions that could've been solved, to her, it felt like someone had shown her the light and just snatched it away, just like that. She felt like she could fall to the floor.

"Toby. Can I trust you to look after yourself for a while? I'm sure mum and dad will come home soon. If you really need me, ring me. I'm going to my flat." Sarah was already out the door, Toby, a young boy, was left by himself because Sarah needed to think again, by herself without a distraction near her.

And when Sarah got home, it still didn't seem right. She could feel the vibe of the room wasn't the same, like a soul was there with her. A good soul, that had a history.

She decided to get ready for bed, knowing Toby hadn't rang made her at ease, she thought the parents would be home by now, ready to shout at her the next time she went round.

She reached for the cupboard for her pills and felt sick and dizzy. Sarah shook her head and took no notice. This time, taking around 7 or 8. Things seemed to be getting worse.

Sarah put the pills away, and turned to her bed. She saw a shadow...

Is it...? No. Is it him? The Goblin King?

She walked slowly to her curtains where the shadow was, and touched the shadow. It didn't move, she backed away. But slowly creeped forward. She took a deep breath and quickly pulled back the curtain...

"...Nothing..." she said quietly...

"NOTHING!" She screams.

Then the Goblin Kings voice said 'nothing' three times. She leaps for the sofa and begins to cry into it.

"Help me..." She whispers to herself. "Someone..."

Nothing was helping Sarah, even if they tried. nothing helped. She was making herself worse.

Every day, hour, minute, second. Every waking moment, Sarah would spend most of her time drowning herself in questions, memories of the Goblin King.

"I wish..." She begins one day when it was thundering.

"I wish..."

"I wish I could meet the goblin King and answer some of my questions... right now...." She gasps. remembering she said something quite similar when she wished Toby away.

She closed her eyes.


So she sat down.

And waited, and waited.

Each day, she waited for the King.

After a few days, Sarah had given up on hope, and everything else. She had nothing left but fear. Then one day, she went too far with the medication...

"SARAH! SARAH! PLEASE WAKE UP!" she could faintly hear little Toby's voice.

Sarah tried to open her eyes, it felt like someone had placed their fingers there to stop her. She couldn't speak. She tried to murmur.

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