|Chapter 17|

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Grayson's POV:
I called Cathrine to thank her.
On the phone with Cathrine:
Grayson: Hey Cathrine
Cathrine: Hey Grayson
Grayson: Thanks so much for the puppy!
Cathrine: Oh no problem you need someone to hug, cuddle, and talk with.
Grayson: We named him Buddy!
Cathrine: That's so cute Grayson
Grayson: Well I got to go!
Cathrine: Alright bye Gray
Grayson: Bye Cathrine!
*Ended phone call 5:67*
Buddy is the cutest dog I have ever seen. One green eye and one blue one. Buddy just is really attached to me. He's so small. But he gets everyone's attention. He will be my new friend.
Isabella's POV:
I love Buddy, Gray, and Ethan. They are the best men I've ever met in my life. I don't like seeing either of the twins hurt emotionally or mentally. It hurts me when I see them hurt. But I love them to DEATH! They feel like big brothers. It's such a wonderful opportunity to be their God-Sister! I kiss them both on the cheek.
Grayson's POV:
I love having two people that love me in a brother and sister way. Isabella is so grown up! She's becoming such a woman. She'll always be my little Isabella I will always remember. Right after Mrs. Smith gave birth to Isabella, after 3 months Mr. Smith left Mrs.Smith So only three months of her life as a baby she had a father figure. Now Me and Ethan are her father figures. I mean it's hard to take care of a 16 year old but you get used to it!
Hey that's the chapter. I'm taking a one day hiatus tomorrow 1-16-17. I'm spending time with my fam. Hope you  liked this chapter. Love you guys! Bye :)))) ;)))))

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