|Chapter 20|

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One week later:
Grayson's POV:
I was so beat up with myself. That I just had to go back to NJ just for 2 weeks.
(I Isabella, G Grayson)
I- When are you coming home Gray?
G- I bet you really don't give a fuck
I- Whoa Grayson what's wrong with you?
G- You know we can text but let's not start this again.
I- where are you anyways?
G- Where I belong.
I- Where is that?
G- Do you really wanna know?
I- Yes Gray I do!
G- I'm in f'ing New Jersey okay!!!
I- okay 😔.
I- gray...
G- What?
I- I love you and I miss you please come back 😭😥.
G- I love you too Isie. I miss you so much too. I'll book a flight right now for a flight tomorrow.
I- Okay, thanks Gray.
I then sat my phone down and turned it off. Like I'm such a asshole. For someone that really loves me expect Ethan I'm such an asshole. I booked a flight that night. I couldn't sleep I thought about Isabella all night. At times I laughed quietly, cried, and smiled from thinking about Isabella. Then I looked at my phone it said 6:00 A.M. I might as well get ready.
'Group Chat Isabella Grayson and Ethan
G- I'm done packing on my way to the air port soon!
E-Thanks for keeping us updated Gray.
I- I'll see you soon Grayson miss you and I hope it's a safe trip!
A few hours later I texted them.
G- Back in L.A on my way home soon!
I- I'm super excited!
E- Okay see you in a few!
I then sat my phone down while the Uber drove to their house. I was thinking that I'm the worst God-Brother ever! Twenty minutes later I'm in their drive way. I gave the Uber his tip. Then I got my stuff out of the trunk. Then he drove off immediately. When I was just about to open the door to get in it swung open. Isabella had the biggest smile on her face.
"Gray! I missed you so so much!" Isabella cried.
"I missed you a lot too. I hope you don't think I'm the worst God-Brother. Sometimes when I go back home it helps me cool off."
"Grayson don't say that you and Ethan are the best God-Brothers ever!" Isabella said.
She let me in the house and she shut and locked the front door. Once I sat my stuff down she jumped into my arms. At first I really didn't wanna hug her but then I gave in and hugged her. Her small body touching mine in the hug makes my heart melt. I then let go of the hug once we were hugging for quite a while. I then walked over to Ethan and we did our secret twin handshake (I mean every twin has a handshake.)
So then since it was a Thursday we filmed like we always do every Thursday. We filmed the 100 layers of duct tape challenge. Ethan was the one who got wrapped with the duct tape. Once we finished filming I went on Instagram. Catherine posted some thing on her feed it made my jaw clench.
@cathrine_loves_life: Great news! I got back with James! We were just, meant to be! We tried to be apart from each other but it didn't work.
I looked at that picture and a tear feel down my cheek.
"What's wrong?" Ethan asked.
I showed him the picture and comment. The picture was of her and James locking lips.
"What a bitch!" Ethan yelled.
"I'm gonna comment on that photo and embarrass her.
@graysondolan: you think that you would get away without me seeing this CATHRINE?! You know I regret even meeting you. And I'm keeping buddy. Unfollow me on very social media even delete my number
I was so up upseat.

My God-Brother Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now