|Chapter 22|

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Isabella's POV:
This morning I decided to wear the bracelet Grayson got me when I was 9. I've worn it when he was gone to remind me of him. I walk into the living room and waited for Grayson and Ethan to wake up. Buddy runs up to me and jumps on the couch. He's a small pup but he's getting bigger! Grayson gets up 20 minutes later. He comes over to me with a smile.
"You're wearing the bracelet?" Grayson said in his morning voice.
"Yeah, I wanted to." I said.
He sits next to me scratching Buddy. His hair was all over the place.
"You know I remember how excited you were to get your presents from me on your 9th birthday." Grayson said.
"And I've always kept this one." I said looking at the heart bracelet.
Grayson smiled and gave me a hug.
I decided to mess up Grayson's hair even more. After I did that he got mad and messed up mine.
"Ha were even now Isabella." Grayson played.
"You have to catch me first." I said running up to my room.
He ran behind me and he got to me and started to tickle me. Then I started to tickle him and his loud yet cute laugh came out of him. Then I started to laugh at his laugh. Ethan came out and smiled at us. He giggled quietly and gave us a group hug.
"Morning Isie, Morning Gray." Ethan said.
Ethan then went up to fill Buddy's bowl up with water and the other with canned dog food. Buddy immediately went to his food once Ethan left the kitchen. Buddy is someone we all bond with. He's just such a good dog. He makes all of us smile. He jumps on his hind legs. He jumps into Grayson's arms. He starts to give Grayson some "kisses".
"Hahaha Grayson had his very first kiss with his dog." Ethan said.
Buddy jumped to the ground.
Grayson was whipping his mouth with his shirt.
"What if I already had my first kiss." Grayson said.
Ethan looks at me in shades of pink. He then looks at Grayson and his mouth drops.
"Wait...you...Isabella! You kissed Isabella?! Let me process this...you KISSED ISABELLA! OUR GOD-SISTER?!"
I ran to my room in embarrassment and Grayson followed.
Grayson's POV:
I fucking messed up again. I knocked on Isabella's bedroom door.
"Go away!" Isabella said.
"Isie it's Grayson I'm sorry please let me come in." I said.
She opened the door with tears in her eyes. I looked at her concerned. I shut her door and sat on her bed. She sat next to me still crying.

"Isabella please stop the water works." I said.

She looked up at me and whipped her face with tears off on her shirt. She then hugged me.

"I forgive you Grayson." I heard her little soft voice say.

I kissed her on the top of her head and left her bedroom. I walked into the Kitchen and see Ethan.

"Why did you kiss Isabella?" Ethan asked.

"I was DRUNK okay! I kissed her while I was drunk BIG DEAL!" I said.

Ethan looked at me in sorrowfulness, "I'm sorry Grayson I didn't know."

"Just be happy I didn't have sex with her!" I said quietly.

My God-Brother Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now