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Jin prespective

It was the tenth time i was called out and the eleventh time namjoon was, we were practicing for our new comeback and it had a really difficult dance. It's been ten days since we started and everyone else was getting the hang of it but me and namjoon were having trouble with the quick and tiring choreography.

By the end of practice i was called out so many times that i lost count. A little dejected i headed back to the dorm, i wanted to take a shower after getting all sweaty.

When i got out of the shower i was hit with an all too familiar felling i was hungry, really hungry so i started to make myself some food. Only about a minute past and i could hear footsteps coming to the kitchen. It was namjoon and he walked into the kitchen reeking of sweat. "What are you making?" he asked while looking into the fridge. I told him i was making fried rice and chicken and that I'd make him some if he went and took a shower.

Soon we were across from each other eating, i could tell he was also a bit down but didnt say anything. When i finished and started to get up he called me "hyung do you want to practice with me so we can get the dance down faster." I said sure knowing that if we didn't get it down soon the rest of bangtan would tease us for it.

Practice🌹Namjin🌹Where stories live. Discover now